Sunday, April 13, 2014

Bible Belize, World Campus Mission

I left home at 9:00 am, April 10, Thursday, 55 minutes earlier than the greyhound Bus schedule.

The bus fare from Redding to Sacramento after a senior discount was $59.76 times two for round trip.

The bus left Redding at 9:55 am.

The bus arrived in Sacramento on time. I took a taxi from Greyhound Bus Station to Sacramento Airport. The meter registered the fare to be $38.05, but as I chose to pay with credit card, the charge went up to $47.56. (Additional charge for $2, tax and tip for $9.51)

At the Houston Texas Int'l Airport I ran into another glitch: the flight was so cheap so I grabbed it not knowing there is an overnight layover at Houston. The flight arrived there at 1:30 am and departure for Belize was 8:15 am boarding time. At the boarding area I looked for the place to sleep but all chair set ups were not friendly for a night's sleep.

When I came out I could see no hotel shuttles coming in and out. After a few minutes one Hispanic man approached wearing Marriott hotel uniform. He said he had a shuttle bus parked around the corner. I hopped in and in the bus I asked  the hotel rate. He said Marriott charges $200 per night but La Quinta $70. I tipped him and he took me to La Quinta.

On checking in at La Quinta an African American lady named Esse came out to the front desk. She said the hotel is full except one suite which is $160. I asked for a discount for a short stay like 4 hours of sleep. She said no way. "Do you have a Triple A or AARP card?" I said "I do have a Triple A membership but I left the card at home." She smiled and gave me $10 off. So I slept at #324. 6:00 am wake up call, 6:30 am shuttle bus to the airport 

April 11, Friday

Arrived at the Belize City around noon. At the airport Sarah and Moses greeted me. Moses surprised me saying "Missionary Isaac, do you remember that I belonged to your Fellowship called "'Sae-hwa-yo-hoe' (meaning new Tuesday fellowship)? David Cho was the leader of 'Hwa-yo-hoe' and you pioneered a new fellowship!" In the car Moses said it's been 7 years since he first came to Belize. Two years later his wife joined him.

They are renting the first story of the two story apt. unit as a residence and bible house paying rent for $370 a month. The Chinese owner lately put it out for sale asking $180k in US$.

Sarah served lunch.

A cat named Vision greeted me.

Soon a brother Dianell arrived and ate lunch.

They checked me in a hotel next door.

At 5:00 pm Sarah asked me to give Kent Young message training on 1 Co 15:1-11. He is freshman majoring in physics and math. At first it was hard to hear what he says. After a few sessions of pronunciation training he improved a great deal.

Soon students arrived: Dillon, a sister, Michelle (pianist), another sister and Anna. 

Anna lives 15 miles away from the city. She arrived around 7:00 pm riding bus. She showed me a study question on John gospel where she wrote down Sarah Chang's phone no saying one of her friends who is now in the states gave her infor on Sarah. A year ago she was desperate so she called her and started the bible study.

Dinner started.

After dinner we studied 1 Co 25:1-11 in two groups - college students group and non student group. I was asked to serve the students group. The following students attended: 

- Michelle Andrews (accounting)
- Dianell Brackett (education)
- Kahlife Gray (nursing)
- Ramilo Reguerie (modern science)
- Dillon Leal (accounting)

During group study Dianell asked a question on how Old Testament people get saved. I explained him that like us Old Testament saints are saved by the same gospel. Then I gave him the gospel Abraham and David believed in based on Genesis 22 and Psalm 22.

The evening program began:

- Dillon presiding
- National anthem
- hymn "because he lives"
- special song by Kalife
- message by Kent Young Jr
- hymn "amazing grace"
- Moses Chang announcement
- introducing Kent's family (parents two sisters)
- two by two prayer

Then Along with Dillon and Dianell I came back and had a sleeping fellowship together in room 203.

Saturday April 12, 2014

At 8:00 am program started with breakfast. New students Tylor and Austin Canton, and Dillon's brother Darren came. Sister Kalife brought Claudia a next door neighbor who is also a student studying pharmacy.

New comers also were Sallena the sister of Charles, and Josie whom Catrina brought her high-school friend.

Before group study I put Charles through a message practice. His pronunciation was a little better. I gave him C minus on his presentation. I also encouraged him to focus more on the Key Verse 22 and add a personal application.

After group bible study brother Charles served a second message "the power of resurrection" 1 Co 15:12-34 Charles is from a broken family. His mother left her husband, met another man and produced children. His father left his mother, met another woman, and produced children. Charles suffered moving from one place to another. 

Sister Kalife served another song called Jesus the Center. 

Charles teaches grade school children (11-13 age group) modern science. He is still a single. 

After that we had a lunch then recreation followed by testimony writing and sharing.

After dinner From 7:00 - 8:00 pm I gave a special lecture entitled "Resurrection here and now" based in John 11:24-25.  Outline of the lecture is in blue below.

Resurrection here and now

John 11:25-26 NIV
[25] Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; [26] and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” …

       The way God created man
   Genesis 1:26-28; 2:7, representation of God to rule for God and on God's behalf (crown of creation) (John 10:25-30; Psalm 82:6; 1jn 3:2)
       The fall of man due to sin
   See the discussion below "for those who do not repent and believe)
       The effect of life saving work of Jesus (what good news)
     For those who repent and believe
A.    Your person
1.     Spirit
   God who dwells within as Adam walked with the Lord un the garden)
   He gives new birth (Jesus talked to Nicodemus on this)
2.     Soul (self)
   He gives you new self created to be like God in righteousness and holiness (Eph 4:20-24). This is the area in which growth takes place.
3.     Body
   Body enjoys resurrected life subject to dynamics (Romans 8:10-12; because of sin vs because of righteousness) in operation until Jesus comes (John 5:58-59; 1 Co 15:23)
B.    Your environment
   Relationship with neighbor, animal, plants, land goes from that is cursed to blessed

     For those who do not repent and believe
   Will go from bad to worse (Eph 4:24; 2 Ti 3:13; Romans 3:23; Heb 9:27; 2:6-9; Rev 20:11-15; 21:8)

Conclusion: I am the resurrection and the life! (Notice the word "am" in present tense.)

Next Dianell (21) shared a life testimony.  He grew up under his grandma. During childhood he was sexually abused. His father is without a job. His mother went to the States. Though undocumented, she still saves some money and sends it to him. During high school days he ditched school. By God's grace he made it to college where he studies education major. Dillon led him to UBF Bible studies in UBF.

Amna shared life testimony. She grew up under a single mother. She was bitter due to her father relating with another woman. Once upon a time a missionary gave her a study question sheet on John 2 where she wrote down the phone no of Sarah Chang. For a time she set it aside and forgot. Then in desperateness she called the number and started Bible study with Sarah. Immediately she felt the presence of God and joy was there.

Next program was memory presentation on 1 Co 15. When Msn Moses asked anyone to volunteer no one responded. So Missionary Sarah came out took the podium and memorized the whole chapter with Moses assisting. Amazing!

The program ended close to 11 pm. 

Dillon, the Sunday morning messenger, asked me to go over his message. His message was largely scattered, and without a point. I gave him a brief bible study on 1 Co 15:35-58 and encouraged to rewrite the message according to the point, that is, the resurrection body is glorious because it is:

- imperishable
- honorable
- spiritual
- life-giving
- heavenly
- bearing the image of Jesus 
- suitable for the life in the kingdom of God.

April 13, 2014

Sunday worship service started at 11:30 am. Six brothers and one sister attended the conference. 

Brother Lyndy presided. Msn Sarah prayed thanking for raising up 3 main Bible Messengers 2 Life testimony speakers and blessing last Saturday more sisters than brothers attending Bible Academy, for Belize to be a shepherd and Missionary sending nation. 

Shepherd Dillon served the main message entitled "the glory of resurrection".

He studies accounting at the Univ of Belize. From high school days he befriended with Dianell and now brought him to Bible studies. 

Resurrection body will be beautiful like flower coming out of a seed. He digested the seven characteristics I had pointed out last night and presented a message that is persuasive. Moses says Dillon is the Abraham of faith in Belize UBF.

After offering four brothers offered a special song "Stand Up For Jesus"!

Then Moses Chang announced saying "He is joyful for the hope of receiving glorious body, most handsome!" 

He thanked God that 22 new comers attended the conference. He presented the prayer topics: 30 weekly 1:1; 20 Sunday worship attendants.

We took group pictures. 

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