Monday, January 2, 2017

Year 2017 European Coordinator's conference (12.27-28) - by Msn. Jose Ahn

European Coordinator's conference (12.27-28) (Skopie, Macedonia) (Around 100 attendees from around 30 countries; See their profiles as attached)
The airport of Skopie reminded us of Alexander the Great, the Macedonian born. We are reminded more of God's Macedonian Calling of Paul that made Europe as a continent used by God to shine Jesus, the light for the Gentiles to all nations through Rome. Now we hear again "God's Macedonian calling, 'Come over and help us!'" We believe our UBF missionaries are today's Paul called by God to make Europe again to be the Missionary sending continent!

The highlights of the conference:
1. Informal discussion led by Caleb Lee with Dr. Abraham K Lee, Caleb Hong and Dr. Peter Chang: on the night of 26th a forum of national directors and missionaries was held. They covered various topics such as UBF ministry-challenge and prayers.
2. Introduction to Macedonia and Opening message(Deut 8 by M. Barnabas Kang of Macedonia): His message was so humorous as well as so sincere. It showed God's wilderness training in Macedonia was to let him live on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.

3. 9 GBS with different languages and gender and 2nd genes and joyful fellowships and special songs and 2nd genes dancing with their own Bible study and activities.

4. 25 country mission reports were very heart touching to see God's quiet but mighty work in each country. We could see God would bless Europe again as God blessed first century Paul's Macedonian ministry with Lydia, one to one bible studies in the rent house in Rome conquered Rome and the whole Europe to reach to the ends of the earth.
There were very useful and meaningful special lectures by Dr. Henry Park (Three spiritual paradigm shifts), Walter Nett (Seek peace and prosperity of the city) (Jer 29:1-14), Pastor Abraham K. Lee (Christian understanding of Islam) and LT by Joseph Ahn

5. Main message by Pastor Abraham Kim (Look forward to the Day of the Lord: 2 Pet 3)

Thank you for all prayer supports. On 12/29 all members will visit campus and pray for Macedonia mission before leaving for their respected mission fields.

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