Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I am making everything new! Rev 21:5

In LA area as well the spring is all around us. Trees go green again. Flowers are blooming.

Three questions:

No. 1: Does Jesus' risen body have "blood"? [Remember: the Scripture says the flesh and blood cannot inheerit God's kingdom.]

No. 2: Will there be sea (or ocean) on the planet earth in the perfected word to come? [Note: John did not see any sea in the new earth.]

No. 3: Are the children of God (if they make it to God's kingdom) going to have pets? [I still miss my kitty pet, Sammy who died a heroic death - he ventured to go out of my house, to the street at night, and died of a car accident.]

My answers to the three questions are all "Yes". [Jesus' risen body has blood; the new earth will come with ocean; and God will ensure that his children have the joy of owning pets.] My rationale is that 'everything' (or "all things" in KJV) means 'everything', including blood, ocean, and pets. Oh, wait! There is something more: they are all made brand new - blood, ocean or sea, and pets! What does the 'new' (or 'renewal' Matthew 19:28) mean? Strong's concordances saves you, that is:

a) as respects form - recently made, fresh, recent, unused, unworn
b) as respects substance - of a new kind, unprecedented, novel, uncommon, unheard of

What do you think?

P.S.: I think people of Jesus' day like Thomas could have hardly imagined of the ways we have like smartphone, Ipad, or wi-fi, for to them, I guarantee that these are all unprecented, novel, uncommon, or unheard of. What do you think?

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