Why is it that if any woman becomes haughty, the first problem she is to suffer is the breaking out of sores on her 'head'? What does it mean that the Lord will make the woman's head 'bald'? And what is the connection between a woman becoming haughty and her getting bald-headed?
I think we can find the answer to the question in 1 Corinthians 11:3 where it is said that the head of every man is Jesus Christ, and the head of woman is man.
God (Jesus Christ) created Adam (man), and woman was made out of Adam's rib. So the order is: Christ comes first, then Adam, then Eve. The way man's life (woman's life) thrives is woman rooted in man rooted in Jesus Christ. There is a line of stream of life that runs from head to head to head.
For a body (life) to function head is the most critical. In the first place, head ought to be 'attached' to man's body (or more correctly body ought to be attached to the head), for as God put man's head above shoulders, from head runs spine and the rest of bodily parts operate as the head commands, and man's body functions this way even without himself or herself having to be conscious of the functionalities.
This alludes to the meanings of the sores breaking out or the Lord causing a haughty woman to go bald, because:
- As used in the Bible woman (in Zion) stands for God's children (the word woman is used to convey the message that all men are 'dependent' on their maker for life, just as a woman is dependent on her husband(man), just as it is said in the Bible that God calls himself a husband to the Israelites,, first daughter, then bride.
- By way of being haughty, woman (we, the children of God or his 'dependents') chose to desert the Lord God and become independent, only to run short of life, so that as she loses the cover on her head, her head begins to show the signs of mal-nutrition.
The message for you and me is to live by faith in the Lord, putting absolute trust in Him, just as my bodily parts trust and obey what the head desires,
And our faith ought to be such that we are to be fully attached to the Lord, so it is the Lord who lives in and though us, not the other way around, just as Moses said, "Love the Lord, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him, for the Lord is your life!" Deu 30:20
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Dorsey Run Rd,Jessup,United States
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