Once upon a time John F. Kennedy said, "Do not pass the buck." Harry Truman used to keep on his desk the sign, "The Buck Stops Here." Buck passing or passing the buck is the act of attributing another person or group with responsibility for one's own actions. It is also used as a strategy in power politics when the actions of one country/nation are blamed on another, providing an opportunity for war. [Wikipedia]

When things go wrong, fallen men tend to find someone to blame. When Eve sinned she said in effect the devil made me to it. It was Adam who ate the forbidden fruit, but he also said in effect, "She made me do it."
As long as you can find someone to blame for an unlucky situation arriving at your door, you do not have to do a thing, for you are not responsible for the consequence(s) of your own action. But the problem here is that since you are the origin of the problem unless and until you change, the problem will not disappear. It will only go from bad to worse.
In the day of Isaiah, people of the Southern Kingdom (Judah) heard the news that two northern kingdoms (Syria and Damascus) banded together to invade Judah. They called the pact a 'conspiracy'. But the Lord said to Isaiah, "Do not call conspiracy everything people call conspiracy." Why?
They were supposed to put trust in the Lord and live in peace. But they rejected the Lord and rejoiced over the visible people. Thus the problem grew worse: the Tsunami originated from Assyria (present day Iraq/Iran) hit the Southern Kingdom. So do not exchange the Lord for someone or something else (such as ministry).

When things go wrong, fallen men tend to find someone to blame. When Eve sinned she said in effect the devil made me to it. It was Adam who ate the forbidden fruit, but he also said in effect, "She made me do it."
As long as you can find someone to blame for an unlucky situation arriving at your door, you do not have to do a thing, for you are not responsible for the consequence(s) of your own action. But the problem here is that since you are the origin of the problem unless and until you change, the problem will not disappear. It will only go from bad to worse.
In the day of Isaiah, people of the Southern Kingdom (Judah) heard the news that two northern kingdoms (Syria and Damascus) banded together to invade Judah. They called the pact a 'conspiracy'. But the Lord said to Isaiah, "Do not call conspiracy everything people call conspiracy." Why?
We find the answer to the question in what the Lord said: you are not supposed to call it conspiracy for it is NOT a conspiracy.
By definition, conspiracy is an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons.
Why should the invasion plan not be called conspiracy? We already answered the question: as long as you can call it conspiracy, it is not your own doing; it is their own doing. But the Lord finds that the other way around is true for it is what King Ahaz and the people under his leadership caused to happen, just as it is written: "Because this people [represented by Ahaz] has rejected the gently flowing waters of Shiloh and rejoices over Rezin [comparable to the president of Syria] and the son of Remalia [the king of northern ten tribes]. Therefore the Lord is about to bring against them the mighty flood waters of the River..." Isaiah 8:6,7
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