Thursday, March 28, 2013

Problem with Obama's Speech in Jerusalem

On March 21, 2013 (Thursday), Barak Hussein Obama spoke in Jerusalem. Primarily he spoke on security, peace, and prosperity.

In one of the updates from one messianic Jew running a program "Revive Israel", he reports,

"Obama US President Obama was received this week in Jerusalem with unprecedented honor, perhaps more than any other human being in history, including Yeshua Himself (John 12:12). Obama's visit was highlighted by personal reconciliation with Netanyahu, the two of them hugging and smiling together repeatedly before the cameras. Obama demonstrated his uncanny charm and charisma, winning the hearts of the Israeli people. He also made unprecedented statements of commitment to Israel's security and of the bond between Israel and America. On the other hand, most Israelis are concerned that his proclaiming such high expectations for an imminent peace agreement does not take into account the depth of commitment by radical Islam to Israel's total destruction." [Emphasis in red is mine.]

The problem with his speech however is that at best it is misleading in regard to the way of security, peace, and prosperity, for security, peace, and prosperity come from each person turning to Christ in a contrite spirit, and remain in the right relationship with God the Father. 

In today's daily bread passage (Luke 22) we see Jesus choosing to die for all, even for Barabbas. Jesus the King of the Jews voluntarily walked into the gas-chamber (so to speak) only to give a relief to a horrible sinner as horrible as Barabbas. In the eyes of the law, Barabbas is a criminal deserving crucifixion. In the eyes of God the Father who sent Jesus the Savior, he is still a 'son', so God so loved his creation that he sacrificed Jesus the Lamb so his children would secure a permanent position in the family. 

In Hebrew Barabbas means "son of father". God is the Father of all. If a father has ten children all of them are valuable, more precious than the whole universe. It does not matter who you are or what you have done. The fact is son is son and the Father loves them all, just as it is written: "God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." 

Security is security of one's whole person: spirit, soul and body. If one is to be secure he needs to be secure for good. And one is secure only when one is rooted in the relationship with God the Father the maker of all. When one is deeply rooted in this relationship can one talk about the next steps: peace and prosperity. 

[Further Bible readings:

1 Co 8:6 - ... there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live...

Romans 6:10 - The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.

2 Co. 5:14,15 - We are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died...and he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

John 8:34-35 - Jesus replied, 'Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.] 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

He is Risen!

- At 1:30 pm March 24, 2013 Cassandra served a message for CBF kids. During first few minutes kids were responsive to the message. For example when she asked the class "Why did Jesus die?" Jammie said, "God saved us." Cassandra said Jesus died to save us from our sins and rose again to let us live with Him forever!

Then kids had a time for Treasure Hunt.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, March 22, 2013

There is no mercy in the world (African song)

As in other parts of the world, in Africa the problem of 'broken" family is serious. [Click on the song and follow through the lines below to see what I mean.] 

August 2, 2013 we have a "World Mission Night" scheduled to go. This program promotes the call to send out missionaries to two continents: Africa and Europe. 

In preparation for this occasion I loaded up an African song entitled "Dunia Haina Huruma" by Bahati Bukuku. Click on the orange mark for the song. The language is Swahili. The lyrics are found below first in Swahili, then in English. One of the brothers at Kenya UBF translated the contents from Swahili to English. Then you brother and thank you Missionary Mark Yoon for the translation. 


Dunia haina huruma
Dunia haina huruma
Dunia haina fadhila
Dunia haina utu-u
Na maisha yangu
Dunia haina huruma mwenzenu nasema

Ni asubuhi na mapema
Simu ya mkononi inaita
Naitazama kwa makini
Ni namba ya mume wangu
Sauti ya mwanamke inasikika
Inayorarua moyo wangu
Moyo wangu unafura hasira
Kwa taarifa ninazopata

‘Hallo, nenda mwimbini kachukue mzoga wako’
Namwuliza ni nani mwenzangu
Ananijubu kwa kejeli
‘Mimi ni mke mwenzio kama hutaki potezea’

Nawatafuta ndugu na jamaa
Waliokuwa kwenye simu yangu
Ili niwaambie taarifa hizi
Zinazorarua moyo wangu
Dunia haina huruma eeh

Ninafika hospitali
Ninawakuta watu wa mochwari
Maneno wanayoniambia
Yanaumiza moyo wangu
‘Aah Yule mgonjwa aliyeletwa jana aliyepigwa kwenye fumanizi
Tulipomwangalia tukangundua hajafa kwa hivyo yuko katika chumba cha watu maututi’
Ninafika kwenye chumba cha wagonjwa maututi
Ninamkuta mpenzi wa roho yangu
Amepoteza fahamu, hawezi hata nikunitazama

Hili ndilo patano letu mume wangu
Na hapa ndipo jijini Mbea mume wangu
Hili ndilo patano letu mume wangu

The World
There is no mercy in the world
There is no mercy in the world
The world has no aid
The world is insensitive
With my life
There’s no mercy in the world I tell you

Tis early in the morning
The mobile phone rings
On careful look
It’s my husband number
A woman voice speaking
Proudly tearing my heart
My heart bulges with anger
For the news I have received

‘Hello, go pick your carcass’

I ask who are you?
She responds with pride
I am your co-wife, if you don’t want to hear this go away

I look for family and relatives
Over through the phone contacts
To break these news to them
Which have broken my heart
The world has no mercy eeh

Arriving at the hospital
I find the mortuary attendants
The words they say to me
so hurts my heart
‘Aah the patient brought in yeaterday after a caught-up in adultery
We realized that he isn’t dead
So he is in the ICU

I rush to reach the ICU ward

I find him the love of my life
He is unconscious, even unable to look at me

Is this our covenant my husband
And is this our home town Mbea
Is this our covenant my husband

Na hapa ndipo jijini Mbea mpenzi wangu
Haya mapanga ndio zawadi yangu mume wangu.
Hili ndilo patano letu mume wangu
Na hapa ndipo jijini Mbeya mpenzi wangu
Nimegundua dunia haina huruma eh
Dunia haina huruma
Dunia haina huruma
Dunia haina fadhila
Wanadamu nisaidie
Nani mwenye huruma anifariji
Maana moyo wangu unavunja damu
Maana moyo wangu unavunja damu
Kwa matatizo niliyopata

Dunia haina huruma
Dunia haina uchungu
Mimi na maisha yangu

Ninawapigia ndugu wa mume wangu
Yaliyomsibu mume wangu
Wote wananisusia
Nachukua vitabu vya benki
ATM hasisome sote
Ninamwomba daktari
Daktari naomba nisaidie
Mume wangu akipona
Gharama sote tutalipata
Na kama la hajapona
Utachukua gari langu
Kwa kweli mama ningeweza kukusaidia
Lakini hizo gari haina ya 4B....
Kwa kawaida zinakula sana mafuta’
Nawatafuta marifiki wa mume wangu
Na kwanza ninapofika hapo
Wanaanza kunipa masharti
Yanayorarua moyo wangu

Nikimtazama mume wangu ndio kwanza anakoroma
Nikimtazama daktari hawezi hata kunitazama
Dunia haina huruma eeeh
Dunia haina huruma  ooh
Mashemeji wamegoma kutoa misaada

And is this our home town Mbea my love
This machete wounds are my gift oh my husband!
Is this our covenant my husband
And is this our home city Mbea my love
I realize there is no mercy in the world
There is no mercy in the world
There is no mercy in the world
There world has no aid
Oh peoples help me
Who is compansionate to console me
For my heart is bleeding
For my heart is bleeding
Under the tragedy on me

There is no mercy in the world
The world feels no pain
Over my life

I call my husband’s brothers
To give aid of this trouble upon him
But they all decline
Taking my bank statements
ATM card reflects no balance
I beg the doctor
For him to help me
For when my husband’s recovers
All expenses we shall pay
And incase if he doesn’t recover
You will redeem my car
‘Surely I could help you
But those type of cars normally consume lots of fuel’
I call the friends to my husband
On their arrival (at ICU)
  Immediately they set their terms for help
This just tears down my heart

Looking at my husband he begins to moan consciously
Looking at the doctor but he turns away

The world has no mercy eeh
The world has no mercy ooh
In-laws have declined their help

 Maneno wanayoniambia
Sahamani shemeji, ningeweza kukusaidia,
Lakini naenda kuangalia mpira Ulaya
Nawatafuta mawifi kwa mara nyingine
Kwa kweli wifi si unajua
Tungeweza kukusaidia, lakini wale wenzangu wote wacheza shengele watakuja siku ya Jumamosi, kwa hivyo nimewaambi na siwezi kughairi kwa sababu wameshona sare
Niliamua kumwangukia daktari
Hicho ndicho chanzo cha tatizo langu
Ndio siku niliyopata huyu mtoto.

Msiba wangu ukaongezeka
Dunia haina huruma
Dunia haina uchungu
Mimi na maisha yangu
Leo nataka kutengeneza na Mungu
Nimechoka kudanganya moyo wangu
Nataka kutengeneza na Mungu
Lazima kutengeneza na Mungu

Nikimwambia mume anaweza kuniua
Ila moyo wangu unanishuhudia ni lazima nimwambie 
Maana nataka kuteneneza na Mungu
Mimi lazima nitengeneneza na Mungu
Nimeamua kuteneneza na Mungu
Nataka nitengeneneza na Mungu

Mume wangu ile siku ulipocharazwa mapanga
Yule daktari aliyekuwaanakuuguza ndiye mwenye huyu mtoto
Mume wangu alinitazama tu
Akaondoka mbele yangu
Asubuhi na mapema nikaitwa kijijini
Wakinisisitiza kwa hasira
‘Kuja na motto wako akiwa hai’
Nilipofika kijijini nikawakuta mawifi zangu
Kila niliyemsalaimia hakuweza kunijibia
Mashemeji walionipenda, nao pia nilifanya hivyo hivyo

They give their excuse as
‘We’re sorry we could have assisted
But have to watch live football in Europe
I look up to my sisters- in -law
Honestly my in- law, you clearly know
We could help you but
All my team players
They are coming this Saturday so
I cannot changed the day have fixed
For they have their uniform ready
I resolved to give in to the doctor
And that was the genesis of trouble
It was the day I conceived this child

My misery multiplied
The world has no mercy
The world feels no pain
It’s me and my life
Today I resolve to reconcile with God
Am tired of deceiving my heart
I want to reconcile with God
I must make up with God

If I confess to my husband, he may kill me
But my heart is convinced I have to confess to him
For I want to reconcile with God
I have to be reconciled to God
I am determined to be with God
I want to be reconciled to God

‘My husband, the day you bore machete wounds
The doctor who attended to you is the father of this child’
My husband just stared at me
And walked away from me
Next day early morning I was summoned to the village, with a stern command
‘Come with your child alive!’
Arriving at the village there my sisters-in-law
For every greeting no-one responded
Even the in-laws in the same manner, didn’t respond to my greetings

Kila aliyenitazama, alinitazama kwa dharau
Huruma yangu iko wapi dunia
Huruma yangu iko wapi dunia

Kikao cha familia kilipokaa
Niliowaomba msaada ndio walionihukumu
Dunia haina huruma
‘Kama unataka kukaa na mtoto wetu
Mtoto wako lazima auwawe maana sisi hatumtambui mtoto haramu katika familia yetu
Nikamtazama mtoto wangu aliyesismamishwa mbele yangu
Nikangeuka pembeni yangu, nikamwona mume mume wangu, ananitazama kwa hasira Hasiweze kunihurumia
Huruma yangu iko wapi dunia
Faraja yangu iko wapi dunia
Kimbilio langu nikimbilie wapi dunia
Dunia haina huruma
Dunia haina fadhila
Ulimwengu nisaidie
Ulimwengu nihurumie

Nilipoendelea kuomba msamahaaa
Wifi mkubwa alinyanyuka
‘Unatuletea usanii hapa
 Fanyia kaka yetu huko huko
Sisi ni watoto wa mjini bwana hatutishwi machozi
Sasa huo upumbavu wako usituletee mbele ya kikao.’

Mtoto wangu aliwekwa katikati yao
Ili achapwe mapanga mbele yangu
Baba mmoja mwenye busara
Akasema ni nani kati yetu
Mabaye Hajwahi kutenda kosa awe wakwanza kupiga mapanga
Wote wakatazama
Hakuna aliyeniangalia
Looking at me everyone showed mockery

I wonder where is my compassion
I wonder where is my compassion

When the family meeting began
To whom I begged for help, the same people now condemned me
There is no mercy in the world
‘If you want to stay married to our son
Your child must be killed
For we don’t accept an illegitimate child in our family’
I looked at my child
Who had been put before me
Then I turned to look at my husband at the corner, looking at me in anger, without any compassion in heart
Where is my compassion oh peoples
Where is my consolation oh peoples
Where is my refuge oh peoples
There is no mercy in the world
The world has no aid
Oh peoples help me
Oh peoples have mercy on me

As I pressed on pleas for forgiveness
My eldest sister–in–law showed up
‘Now you bring comedy show to us
Do this to our brother away from us
We are the strong of the city, we have no  weakness of shedding a tear
Now such foolishness is not for this family meeting

My child was put in their midst
Before me to be slashed with machetes
One wise elder arose
Saying, ‘whose of you does no sin or mistake
Be the first to strike’
All in the meeting looked at each other
None dared to look at me

Mume wangu akasimama na kuanza kulia kwa uchungu
Kuanzia leo hii, unisamehe mke wangu,
Kuanzia leo hii, ni nakupenda mke wangu

Ya dunia yamenichosha
Ya ulimewngu yamenichosha
Kuanzia leo hii, ninatubu mke wangu,
Kuanzia leo hii, unisamehe mke wangu,
Nataka kutengeneza na Mungu
Nataka kutengeneza na Mungu

Kumbe Mungu anaweza kusamehe
Kumbe Mungu anaweza kukuita  tena
Kumbe Mungu anawezakujibu maomba
Ndilo nililojifunza leo.

Yesu wangu ana jibu
Tena yeye anasikia
Pia tuombe bila kukoma
Nataka kutengeneza na Mungu
Lazima kutengeneza na Mungu
Nataka kutengeneza na Mungu
Lazima kutengeneza na Mungu

My husband arose accompanied by bitter weeping
‘From today, forgive me my wife
From this day, I love you my wife

I am tired of worldly affairs
I am tired of worldly affairs
From this day I repent my wife
From today forgive me my wife
I want to reconcile with God
I want to reconcile with God’

Alas God can forgive!
Alas God can give second chance
Alas God can answer prayers
These I have learned today

My Jesus has the answer
And again Jesus hears
Lets then pray without ceasing
I want to reconcile with God
I have to be reconciled to God
I want to reconcile with God
I have to be reconciled to God

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why you cannot afford desparing?

In John 6, after eating a free meal a crowd of people wanted to get more free meals. Jesus refused to entertain their request. Rather he started talking about serving them with another food/drink, that is, eating Jesus' body and drinking his blood. People despaired. They gave up following Jesus. Many 'disciples' also stopped (or at least started considering to stop) following Jesus.
Despair means:
  1. To be hopeless; to have no hope; to give up all hope or expectation;
  2. To give up as beyond hope or expectation;
  3. Loss of hope; utter hopelessness; complete despondency.
People despair for a number of reasons. In case of the crowds of people in John 6, they despaired for they could not get what they wanted - more food. 

Some despair with themselves for they fall into the same sin problem again and again. They could not get more out of themselves so to speak. So they say, "I am hopeless."

Whatever the reasons, despair is not good. 

Thus a few brainy quotes on despair:

Despair is the conclusion of fools. (Benjamin Disraeli)

Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss. (Alexandre Dumas)   

Action is the antidote to despair. (Joan Baez)  

There was a castle called Doubting Castle, the owner whereof was Giant Despair. (John Bunyan)

Still you might feel like succumbing to despair. If indeed you want to give up for good, listen to Jesus' final argument against your decision not to believe/follow any more: 

"Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, "Does this offend you? What if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before?""(John 6:61-62)

This argument speaks of the way in which the path of life is built: that is, it leads upward for the prudent to keep them from going down to the place of the dead. Pro 15:24

The point of Jesus' argument is that if you can afford going down to the grave, go ahead. Otherwise, keep believing and following Jesus.

They knew nothing about what would happen... (Matthew 24:37-42)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Your Christmas Offerings

Uganda UBF 6th Healing Mission
In one of his emails dated March 16, 2013, Dr. Luke Lim confirms that the christmas offerings totaling $225,334 (collected from UBF worldwide including $17,000 from LA UBF) was transferred to the account of Bethesda Medical Clinic. 

They plan to use the offerings to purchase the medical equipment listed below. The total amount needed is about $750,000. During my visit to Uganda last February, at the board meeting, we discussed that given the shortage of fund, we can go for "used" equipment, but primarily left the matter with the judgment of the management headed by Dr. Luke Lim.
Uganda UBF 6th Healing Mission (surgery case)

Uganda UBF 6th healing mission (Feb 7-17, 2013)

Laboratory equipments
1. CBC Automatic hemagology analyser
Swelab Made in Sweden
20 parameters, 10,000 USD
2. Automatic Biochemistry analyser : CYANPro
made in Belgium  20,000 USD

Radiology equipments
1. Philips ClearVue 550 Ulatrasound system : Made in Netherlands
45,000 USD

Medical equipments
1. Endoscopy (Esophago grastro duodenoscopy) : 30,000 USD
2. Colonoscopy : 30,000 USD
3. Inpatients bed : 3,000 USD
4. General Surgery set : 2,000 USD

5. Eye Surgery set : 2,000 USD
Child care while doctors and nurses see patients 

Leech has two daughters.

After feeding the crowd of more than 5,000 Jesus said, "My Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day." John 6:40

Here many might find a few words bothersome: 'shall' or 'at the last day'. Shall looks to the future. So is the last day. The Apostle John died almost two thousand years ago. You live here and now in the year 2013.

You do not know when you will die. You know you will someday. Your life here and now is not without problems. And the first problem facing many esp. the emerging generation is the good old 'job' problem. American economy is getting better? Stock prices are rising? Real estate market is picking up? Really? You never know. The reality is that many are still out of job. The Spring conference is around the corner, and still many find it difficult to spend some money more or less $100 to pay for the conference fee. The same is true with the expenses for the 2013 International Conference at the University of Indiana. The hardness of the "economy" is a worldwide phenomenon. In case of Korea for example, a lot of members some of them are dentists and medical doctors find it challenging to spend some $3,000 plus dollars to travel to the U.S. for the Int'l conference.

Was the situation of the people in Israel in the days of Jesus different? No. In fact it was way worse than our days. Imagine a congregation of about 5,000 having only a meager amount of food like 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish for lunch or dinner!

Should however these circumstances such as materials (shortness or abundance of them) affect your walk in the Lord?

Money talks. You are right. So shortness of money can really affect you, making you shrink back, causing you to be heavy hearted or in any other ways disheartened.

Living in a physical body here on earth we are subjected to and limited by three factors: time, space, and materials. Jesus understands this better than we do. After all he is the Creator who made time, space, and materials to come into being. It is thanks to Jesus that they become operative as they are. In John 6 we already see a sign indicating that Jesus transcends that which is true of time, space, and materials, for blessing the five loaves of bread and two small fish, he made enough of food for the hungry crowds. In order to convince the multitude of people whose ways of thinking are limited by the limitations of time and space, Jesus performed the miracle, again and again.

What then does he want us to do with these miracles? We find the answer to the question in the word 'eternal life' that 'shall' be given, and 'resurrected life' that shall appear "at the last day". Why should these promises be realistic for us living the life in a physical body here and now? It is realistic for Jesus transcends all that are created - time, space, money, you name it.

So what causes the life (yes eternal as well as a resurrected one) to be enjoyed here and now? The words 'looks' and 'believes' answer the question. Looking up to the Son, and believing in Him does the work.

What difference would it make to look to and believe in Him? In what respect does looking at and believing in Him make difference? You've got the answer already: the difference comes when you realize who He is, that is, how He is different than all that you look up to and believe in. It is only He who is transcendant. He alone is the Creator and therefore without a limit. All the rest (like your job, American economy, etc.) are limited. If you keep looking at and rely upon that which is limited, you are bound to be wasted away. The energy level will quickly go down. Your spirit also will go dead. And your soul  will be like that of leech who always says, "give, give, and give to me, me, and me" just as it is written: Leech has two daughters: give, give they cry. Prov. 30:15 Immediately following this line, is written: "There are three things that are never satisfied, four that never say, 'enough'!: the grave, the barren womb, land, which is never satisfied with water, and fire, which never says 'enough'. And you are told that there is a place (God forbid, you do not want to go there) where the worms that eat them up do not die, and the fire is not quenched. Mark 9:48 Why will people end up going there? And when you go there why will worms and fire behave that way?