Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Kiss the Son

Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? Psalm 2:1

Kiss his son, or he will be angry and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him. Psalm 2:12

Nowadays the nations are all the more in uproars than in any other generations. A hermit or rogue nation has a rocket-man who has a little rocket-man who accuses a tweeter-man who accuses back those who accuse him, only to get accused only to find a new basis to accuse the accuser, in a war of rhetoric. 

Billy Joel - "We didn't start the fire" - makes a point on the world in turmoil. 

In recent daily bread bible passages Jesus responded to the authorities who had been determined to kill him, saying, "From now on you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of God, and coming on the clouds of heaven." Luke 22:69, Mark 14:62, Matthew 26:64

In His response is found the three segments of the human history: prior era, present era, and post era. 

Prior era: the era where discussions among the deities were made in regard to the creation (as well as redemption), plans were set out, waiting for implementation.

Present era: the time period where after the creation and the fall salvation work continues with the high point of the time being the cross of Jesus where while hanging on the tree atop the calvary mountain the Savior said, "It is finished", so that people beginning Adam to those living till that time of finishing were getting saved by looking and believing in the Son of God (i.e., gospel, the good news of great joy) to come, whereas people living thereafter till now and beyond till the beginning point of the post era have been saved by faith in the gospel that has already been fulfilled.

Post era: this is the era when Jesus comes on the clouds of heaven, settle the house in order, and renew the heavens and earth as the new home for the Redeemed.

During the prior era, people and the things of the world were in the mind of the Divine. 

The present era is known as the time called "Now" for now is the time of salvation. We do not know how long this era will last. Some speculated the last Sept. 23, 2017 was going to be the "end" (last day) of the world, but apparently it did not happen, or perhaps almost. 

The post era is the generation where life along with all other creations is restored fully to God, so that having reached the glorious state of glory it wears glory to its full extent. In his last "high-priestly prayer" Jesus indicated this as he offered the prayer in the hearing of his disciples, "And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began." John 17:5

Jesus was in glory during the prior era, emptied himself of the glory while on earth, then in Luke 22 prayed to the Father to glorify the Son. This he let those filling the bench to know, that from that time on they would see the Son seated at the right hand of God, only to come on the clouds of heaven. 

Note: cloud as used here refers to the phenomenon that accompanies the presence of the Divine. It was known more to protect and accommodate the viewers to have fellowship with the Divine than the Deity himself. 

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