Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Tozer on Worship and Entertainment (book recommendation)

At the end of the back cover of the book, A. W. Tozer says:

"We are saved to worship God. All that Christ has done for us in the past and all that He is doing now lends to this one end."

In John 12 at the dinner party given in Jesus' honor Mary poured perfume on Jesus' feet.  I view Mary's act as an act of worship. But some (especially Judas Iscariot who later would betray Jesus) found this as wasteful act. While Jesus sided with Mary, I think it is worthwhile to listen to experts on "worship".  A. W. Tozer's book entitled Worship and Entertainment serves the purpose.

Published by Wing Spread Publishers
Compiled by James L. Snyder in the form of selected excerpts
The book has four parts:
- Part I: Sermon by A. W. Tozer
- Part II: Worship
- Part III: Entertainment
- Part IV: Essay by A. W. Tozer

Length:209 pages, the size of a notepad

While I encourage everyone to secure the book and read in its entirety, I would like to quote/drop a few lines of the Chapter 1 of Part I, the act and object of worship, below:

"We can admire without worshipping but we cannot worship without admiring, because worship is admiration carried to infinitude.  In the same way, we can honor what we do not worship but we cannot worship the one we do not honor. So worship carries with it an ingredient of honor." [Mary opened the party in Jesus' honor. This note is mine.]

"We can only worship that which fascinates us. The old poet said in an often-quoted passage, "In our astonished reverence, we confess Thy uncreated loveliness."... If you can explain it, you cannot worship it."

"Another ingredient, which perhaps should have been mentioned first, is love. We can love without worshiping but we cannot worship without loving. Then love, when it lets itself go and no longer has any restraints, becomes adoration." [Remember: in pouring the perfume and wiping Jesus' feet with her hair, she was not self-conscious nor restrained. Note is mine.]

[In regard to the object of worship Tozer quotes Psalm 45:11 stating] "Worship thou Him".

Friday, May 18, 2018

Why this can be our finest hour? (Book Recommendation)

A few years ago intending to read during flight time on my trip to one of the UBF international conferences I bought a book entitled "Grave Influence" by Brannon Howse, but until recently I was not able to finish it.

This book elucidates causes that turn the U.S. away from a blessed nation into a corrupt one, and offers a remedy to the downfall.

It has 5 parts:

1. THINGS are worse than you thought
2. Brought to you by the occult and pagan spirituality
3. Compliments of the apostate church
4. Courtesy of the educational establishment
5. And now from the government-corporate complex

The book presents the remedy as the CONCLUSION citing our Lord Jesus's world mission command in Matthew 28:19-20. In his CONCLUSION he states, "... Many in the Church think the Great Commission is a call to evangelism, but it is not - it is to make disciples. Evangelism is the first of a four-year process."

The book has 367 pages but easy to read, for it is a miniature book the size of 5 by 6 inches and about 1 inch thick. I highly recommend it.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

David and Goliath (Victory through Faith)

In today's daily bread bible passage (1 Samuel 17:41-58) the boy David won victory over the Philistines. He defeated Goliath by striking him on the forehead with a slingshot in the name of the Lord Almighty.
Goliath and David are types of the arch enemy Satan and Jesus Christ the Savior.
For 40 days Goliath came out and taunted the Israelites. The number 40 in the Bible is usually the period of testing (of faith).  David said to Saul "I am the son of Jesse." Isaiah prophesied the Savior is to come from the line of Jesse. 

By the time David met the challenge the Spirit of prophecy was in operation on him for David had already been anointed so that before darting aut to Goliath he proclaimed victory in advance saying in the spirit of prophecy "victory in His name".
Five smooth river stones hidden in the shepherd's pouch represent the FAITH in the LORD as it has been said, "faith is an acronym for fantastic adventure (aggression, or attack if you will) in trusting Him."
No wonder that in Revelation 19, where the all time super champion the old serpent Satan is finally knocked down and thrown into the lake of burning sulfer, an angel explained to John that it was through the testimony of (the gospel faith in) the Lord Jesus the Savior that the victory is won.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Peace rolling like river

All difficulties are NOTHING but the tools to reveal His glory.

This calls for the faith in the LORD.


So the Apostle says, "In everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving make your requests be known to him." Then the peace will guard your heart and mind in the LORD.