10th Anniversary Mission Conference
Oct. 15-21, 2012
Location: Charlotte Presbyterian Church (704-529-0900)
KIMNET (Korean Inter-Mission Net Work) hosted a conference with the theme title, "Connecting for Dynamic Mission."
About 300 people attended the conference. There are about 45,000 plus churches in S. Korea. In North Amrica alone there are about 4,000 plus "Korean churches" which the Korean churches call 'diaspora' churches. Participants in the conference are missionaries and pastors involved in the diaspora churches.
From UBF were in attendance about 30 plus people including Dr. John Jun, Dr. Abraham T. Kim, Missionary Juan Seo of Venezuela, James Lee of S. Africa, and Peter Chang of Germany. From Downey Isaac Kim and Missionary John Kwon attended.
The meeting offers the opportunity for the workers to learn from each other.
First night (Monday)
The program consisted of introductions, words of encouragements, congratulations, and praises. One of the high lights came from: 1) a praise team which was comprised of sisters from Russia praising The Lord in Korean language; [Link to U-tube]; and 2) Pastor Bang Ji-il who is 102 years young coming out, serving a five minutes message on fellowship offerings described in Leviticus, emphasizing the importance of rendering
'all' glory to God the Father.
Second day (Tuesday)
Morning program consisted of sectional meetings on different subjects like: Missionary education; EM mission; leadership development; Net-working in mission field; Mission via media; laymen mission; world campus mission (Abraham T. Kim - UBF); supporting missionaries; intercessory prayer ministry; reaching out the unreached.
Second Night (Tuesday)
Praise team led the session.
Then Korean traditional song team.
GPS (Global Prayer School) ministry was initiated by Dr. Suk Won Kim the author of a book entitled "Theology of Prayer." GPS ministry believes in sharing blessings of God with others. www.gps.kr
Mission Challenge (Sung Min Lee working in Cambodia)
Sent by One Light Church of Canada. As of next year it is 7th year that he has been there. 1923 CMA sent two missionaries. Next year is 90th anniversary. 1993 Korean methodist church missionaries went in. 4 directions: - reach out to more people; make them mature as they come in; produce active Christian in the market place; 1975-79 about 2 million died in connection with the killing field, during which about 90% of Christians died, so the nation is lacking leaders. Now they are working to build kindergarten and elementary schools. He is reaching out 1,700 plus children scattered in 7 different areas. They worked with CCC LA team and a team from Toronto. They opened a reach-out meeting where about 80 people responded. So inviting people is easy but raising disciples is hard. Teaching materials are rare, although they are using materials published by Navigator. He is also praying to reach out to school teachers. Mongol, Indo China, Vietnam, and China - 105 degree line. Cambodia is the second China. Suggestions: materials for disciple-making, easy to teach; about 300 Korean missionaries came in, but they do not coordinate. Sponsor church ought to make research in advance, so there would not be conflicts. Many Korean churches got the church buildings built, but they grow empty.
Another team consisting of 25 people from another church started the mission journey into the deeper part of Muslim dominant Cambodia. The LORD provided them with interpreters. The Lord performed miracles like opening the eyes of a blind and ears of the deaf.
Mission Challenge (Missionary Changho Ahn to Mali). They started out school from kindergarden to middle high school. The area is primarily Muslim area. The Christian schools produce Christians. Every day all school students have to memorize one Bible verse. Now it's been ten years. They graduate from the Christian schools and enter into the Muslim society. Now mostly local leaders are taken over the schools. Now he focuses on 24 African countries are French speaking, primarily located in the W. part of Africa. Mostly Islamic area. Team work is working well. Missionaries also do businesses such as running a Photo shop. Dr. Myers created "yellow window" including 21 of which 6 nations are from the W. Africa. From 2006 they work together like Pastor Huynsoo Lim. Mission Francophone movement is going on. France is also the key city to reach out, for France has the most diverse in terms of ethnic groups. Niger River Project - Mali. God opens the door to Islam. When he prayed one teenage daughter who kept peeing got healed. Late March was coup by Tele-ban, Northern Mali became under the control of Al Queda. This happened after 6 years of ministry. The Lord closed the door. The end of the earth is the place where I am standing as a witness of Jesus.
Offering Session with a prayer led by Yong Kyu Choi, the elder of one Chicago based church. Offering song by Pastor Yoochan Choi, serving the First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte.
Before the evening sermon based on Daniel 12:3 PRAISE TEAM from Charlotte First Presbyterian offered a special song.
Sung-Kwang Church in Washington DC belonging to the Southern Baptist - Pastor Yong Woo Lim served a special message entitled "Model for the World Mission Oriented Church". He is from a buddhist family with his wife from a Confucianist's family. His wife came to Jesus first. He started working as a CPA in the U.S. Then after he served a chair person to raise a fund for church building. Sung Kwang means in Korean shining star. This is based on Daniel 12:3. The church started 11 years ago. His wife did not volunteer for the first 7 years. He offered three kids to The Lord. His daughter became a missionary. His second son is an EM minister of his church. The third son Daniel is now in Korea to become a minister for the second gens. In America the homeless save money. He used 60% for world mission. He declared the plan to use 75% for world mission. His church budget is 2.5 mil of which his church uses about 50% for world mission. In his church he does not use the word 'support', but 'co-working'.
Training is important. There are no bad dogs; there are only bad dog trainers. They sent out 69 missionaries. They reserve 10%. In this year they have the left over of $250k. Christianity believes in giving.
2,300 church organizations were subjected to research. 31.5% have about 50 members. 250 less members church account for 83%, whereas 2000 or more 1.5%
50 member church assign 8.57% of income as the world mission budget, 100 - 7.43%,
2000 or more - 8.53%;
50 member church sent - 2 missionaries, 100 - 4, 2,000 - 30.
After ten years the church was able to send out close to 69 missionaries (60 associate missionaries) to 30 nations. They all got invited to the world mission seminar last year all at their own expenses. Right now the church has 957 members.
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Location:S Tryon St,Charlotte,United States
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