Wednesday Meeting
Morning program began at 8:00 a.m. Dr. Bill Harding served a message entitled, "Mission-oriented church", as presided by Missionary Jacob Lee.
As a young boy, Mr. Bill grew up in Ethiopia where his father was a missionary. He based his message on Romans 16:25 (Ephesians 3:20) talking about The Lord God who is able to do more than we can possibly ask or imagine, all thanks to the mystery of God that is revealed to us. God's heart is so big that he has all nations in mind, esp. their salvation, so he sent His one and only Son Jesus, as the Lamb. He was on one Christmas night expecting a truck loaded up with Christmas gifts coming, the gifts that were from his loving family members in the U.S. At the last minute the truck was stuck in a muddy area, so the gifts could not arrive at the door for kids. So the truck driver came up with an alternative, that is, a small lamb, with a red bow tie tied around the neck. He could never forget the scene. God so loved the world that about 2000 years ago, He sent His one and only Son Jesus as the Lamb.
Pastor Kyungsik Kim responded to the message, stating the church leadership ought to establish the right motive and attitude towards the church's purpose for world mission, so the motivation should not be to get the church organization grow or to seek some other benefits for the church organization but to obey God's master plan for the salvation of the world as stated in Acts 1:8 and Rev. 7:9. For this plan, first all members of the church ought to have one purpose and one mind, just like the members of the Antioch church. Satan hates to see the gospel spreading to saving souls outside of the church, for Satan keeps tempting the church members to look inside, fighting against each other. World mission ought to be the first priority. The attitude ought to be 'now' not 'later when things are ready'. All church members can start with praying. When we pray God answers and starts working. The leader ought to systematically teach the members for world mission, emphasizing that the church exists for the world mission. As we keep doing this, The Lord starts working. The church leader also ought to establish an organization such as committee. All members ought to either go out or support those who go out. He implemented $1 world mission which began $1 through which his church was able to pioneer 12 local churches. He also established an intercessory prayer group meeting, and a team to do research and make visitations to fields.
Pastor Ki-hong Han of Grace Int'l church and Pastor Dong-kap Choi talked about the practical aspects of the world mission work at the local church level.
Pastor Han states that about 80% of church organization do not practice the Lord's world mission command. The reason for this problem is the lack of the right concept of the meaning and purpose for which God establishes a church, for The Lord God establishes a church with the vision to let all nations come to Him and worship His name. So the pastor ought to establish a right philosophy. Why do all these programs, concepts do not lead to actual 'mobilization' of the missionaries? Fire is fire only when it is let up. Likewise church ought to be a church that ought to be fired up. Five reasons to do the world mission: 1. It is the Lord's command (Matt. 28:19-20); 2. We need to pay the debts we owe. (Rom 1:14); 3. When you do the world mission, The Lord works with you (Mi 28:20); 4. When you obey the command you will be blessed (Matt. 6:33); 5. When the world mission is completed, He comes again. (Matt. 24:14)
Practically, first start praying. Establish an environment. Preach on the success story. Hold a mission oriented meeting, and encourage leaders to participate in the world mission oriented meetings. Start supporting one missionary. Exchange letters with missionaries. Participate in the short term mission with coworkers.
Pastor Dong-gap Choi said we need to have the basic understanding of the local churches, that is, as you go to a field, you go there as a source of blessing (Gen 12:2-3). One missionary went to a mission field. He did not do much except for helping local people to improve their living conditions by laying down new carpet, getting installed a new plumbing system. Then he came back home. The local people missed him, and asked him to come back, which he did, and then he started preaching the gospel, and they accepted Jesus as The Lord. Consider also how The Lord blessed Laban due to Jacob (Gen 30:27) or Potiphar thanks to Joseph (Gen 39:5).
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Location:S Tryon St,Charlotte,United States
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