Monday, January 13, 2014

Bible Botswana World Campus Mission

After Sunday worship at the Kaisong Conference Center from 2:00 pm Missionafy Timothy And Esther Chung led us to visit the theee national dounders monument, Taekwondo Center, Univ of Botswana, and Sports Center.

-Taekowndo Center

Tim is a martial artist (Taekwondo- 5 Dan black belt). His family is self-supporting through running a Taekwondo Center.

For a long time he had difficulties to find a lease at an ideal location. He prayed and prayed. Then just one day before the conference the Lord provided him with a space. 

A friend of Missionary James Lee of Pretoria S. Africa, who is also a Taekwon master donated mattress for the Center.
The center is located on the second floor of a building inside a private school compound. In this compound alone there are 10 churches. Presently more or less 30 students enrolled as trainee. He prays to double the number of trainees this year.

- Three national founders

Then Tim took us to a monument housing three persons who contributed major values (like education system infra structure such as dam) to building the
 foundation of the present Botswana as a nation. 

The guide said the statues were made in North Korea. :-)

- Campus visit

Then we visited the campus of the Univ of Botswana. We had a prayer meeting in front of library building. According to Missionary Devorah this library has the largest collection of books among all the libraries in Africa. :-)

- At the community sports center we had sports fellowship and a dinner. 

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