Tuesday, August 20, 2019

World Mission News Update - August by Jose Paul Ahn

World Mission News August as reported by Dr. Jose Paul Ahn

Thank God for blessing ESBC (8.8-11) with all prayer supports: 

ESBC (GLEF, Vision Camp, CBF, ESBC) gave us great confidence and a new vision for Europe! Jesus is life! Jesus is reviving Europe as a missionary sending continent through our HC ministry, one to one, disciple-making ministry among native leaders and next gens. 

We saw the 1st stage of the mission (First gens do/next gens see) is passing by, 2nd stage (First/next gens co-work together) is now happening in this ESBC conference. We could see the vision of the 3rd stage (First gens see while next gens do far greater things!) will happen soon in World campus mission! 

-P. Moses Yoon’s encouraging message in ESBC, from Matt 28, “go and make disciples of all nations!” empowered many Next-Gens to be short term missionaries: for example:

A next-gen H Kim of Europe decided to go to Latin country in Sept-December 2019, in her gap year after HS graduation.Another next-gen A decided to go to Mexico one year as a STM when he graduates his college in 2021 as an exchange student. Still another M said, "I have decided to be a coworker of my parents’ one HC with all my heart. There must be many more next gens who decided to serve the Lord and his WM through these conferences as a STM as well as in their own mission fields with their parents.

P. Moses Yoon also led a meeting among Korean, German, English DB writers during ESBC:

They decided to have the same DB passages from 2021 in Korean, Germany, English, Spanish and other languages. It will facilitate and encourage next-gen’s communication with the word of God all the more.
CBF conference in ESBC: M. Hannah Shin and Czech hold CBF conference during the ESBC with their own separate program for 4 days. Total 107 CBF members gathered in two language groups (Korean students 30 with 11 teachers (Korea 6, EU 4, USA 1, 3 messengers), and 63 German students.

*Central Asia International conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan. (8/16-18)
The 1st day high lights: Opening message (Jn14, by Francis Yoon, Astana 2), Evening Lec 1, (John 5, by Ulan, Oshi), the 2nd-day Lec 2 (Jn 8, by Izbasar, Almati) given today. Pls keep praying for Lec 3 (Lk 23, by Bolat, Astana), Lec 4 (Jn 21, Joshua, Bishkek)

Prayer topics: By the Holy Spirit may God protect the conference held in Almaty without any hindrances or disruption from the Government. May God bless 8/18 international HC between Georgiy Kaykatsishvili (Moscow Baumann UBF) and Lilya Philipova (Uzbekistan Tashkent)

*St. Petersburg International conference (8/22-25) 
1. May the messengers may prepare messages from their deep heart. 
2. May the Life testimony speakers recognize Gods grace on their lives and stand firm on the love and faith in Jesus.
3. We may overcome Satan's hindrances through prayers and glorify God only through the conference.

*Japan Summer Bible Conference (8.9-11) "You are the Christ" and 2nd gens House Church on 8/11 (Daniel Jung)
In spite of the recent hard relationship between Korea and Japan, the Lord allowed the 30th anniversary of UBF Japan SBC (8.9-11). Special guests: P. Joshua Lee who was in Gwangju, supporting Japan ministry from the early days of pioneering.M. Daniel Yoshiba (Chicago) supported Japan 1st SBC by helping missionaries who did not speak Japanese well in 1989. Ms. Marie Lopez, the first missionary from Japan, with her mother and her coworker Terry Lopez.(LA). Her mother accepted Jesus, working hard on Bible study. We shed tears for God’s grace for the last 30 years. 
S. Naomi Oi gave a very gracious and clear message, "What is your name?" Each person was grateful for his name, striving to be like his name. The new Q & A time was also very good. The next Lecture, by Daniel Yoshiba (Japanese Missionary to USA): “Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God”

*Japan new gen's HC between Samuel Jung and Sarah, Kim on 8/11 
May this first HC between next gens be a blessing for Japan, Asia and WM mission!

* 3 more HC's will be established:

-On 8/18: An international HC between Georgiy Kaykatsishvili (Moscow Baumann UBF) and Lilya Philipova (Uzbekistan Tashkent)will be established at the end of the Central Asia Conference 

-On 8/24 S. Lee Sung Jin (JongRo, Korea) and Hanna Lee (Zimbabwe) establishes a HC in Korea. Please for this international next gen's HC

-On 8/31 Luke Hong Jr (Montreal, Canada) and Paulina Ahn (Chicago) establishes a HC in Chicago. Pray for this HC!

*Please keep praying for our suffering coworkers:
Hannah Koh (Hansung), Hannah Byeon (Kwanak 3), Joshua Jin (Kwanak3), Tae-woo Kim (Yeon-hee), Sarang Kim (Korea), Mary Kim (South Africa), Juyong Kim (Mongolia), Yesung Kim (Jong Ro), Daniel Kim (Campina, Brazil), Mei Kim (Chicago), Paul Kim (NY), Grace Kim (Karawachi, Indonesia), Eugenia (Peru), Mary Min (Chicago), Paul Choi (St. Louis), and Naomi Kim (London), John Doty (US), Monica Forbes (D.C), Dr. Faith Choi (Chicago) Mary Cowen (Princeton), Grace Park (Dusseldorf)

Mei Kim's update (Chicago)
Cancer cell is spread more. She will go back to Mexico Aug 18-24 for further treatment. Please pray that God may heal her completely and we may see God's glory through this.

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