Friday, December 25, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Bible Botswana (prayer for the healing of Missio^^ )
On Dec 11, 2015, at 8:09 PM, Hee Tae Chung <> wrote:
Dear shep Anreas!
I am Timothy Chung of Botswana. I pray that God may bless new year Africa Bible conference in Cape town mightily and fill all the attendants with his word of life. I also pray that God bless your faithfulness and love through this conference.
I and my family expected to attend this conference by car. but this Tuesday around 2-3 am, an event unexpected happened to us. Two(?) robbers broke into the yard of our house and broke the 1st door of the living living, trying to break the 2nd. i heard the noise and saw this. i hurried up to block them from entering, calling my wife and children. My wife and i kept blocking and my son called the police. then one of them went to the windows to break them. feeling urgency, i kicked the windows with my left leg, breaking them. then they ran away. however i saw a deep wound in my leg, from where much blood kept flowing. i went to the kitchen and took towels to wrap the wound. i saw the blood all around the living room and kitchen. even in the ambulance and at the hospital, blood did not stop coming out. the doctors said the vein, artery and tendons were cut. they took one and half hours for operation. Thanks to God I did not need blood transfusion and the surgery was done well. one day later, i came back home. i must remain in the cast at least for 6 weeks.
My wife and children cannot attend the conference. And as for me, if i take the airplane alone, i worry about how to carry the baggage on crutches. Please pray for my journey or probably for the journey of my family to cape town. We also pray for the security of my family. We thank God for his protection and for the prayer of his servants. We decide everything as early as possible and inform you.
May God give you all necessary wisdom to prepare for the conference.
Timothy Chung
Monday, November 16, 2015
Building a house (your person) 101
Matthew 22
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
YMCA has a logo sign connecting together the Spirit Mind and Body in a triangle indicating the soundness of one's person hinges on the soundness of the three faculties that is the Spirit Mind and Body in complete harmony.
When the Spirit goes amiss mind and body will go faulty. Shepherd William's message on a woman with a hunched back is the case in point. (Refer to
In today's daily bread Bible passage in answering the question about the greatest commsnd Jesus said,"Love the Lord your God with all your heart..."
This is the "GRESTEST" command for nothing is more valuable (or greater in value) than one's own life!
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Bible Tempe Az
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Bible Nocal
Today we had a Bible study with Jeff.
We sang the hymn "O Wonderful Savior my Lord" and read 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.
After the study Jeff shared a sogam saying, "The Risen Jesus appeared to Paul who says is the least of all. So in Jesus even the least can be a great apostle."
So please pray that Jeff may grow and be used as a great servant of the Lord."
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Jesus, the rejected stone became the capstone (Prophecy 101)
* Kremlin: Syria air strikes target "a list" of groups
* Reports: Iranian troops in Syria for joint offensive
* Hadi loyalists claim capture of key Yemen strait
* Afghan forces fight to push back Taliban from Kundus
* Palestine 'no longer bound' by agreements with Israel
* Iran nearly doubles its death toll from Hajj stampede
* Fresh 'revenge' blast rocks southern Chinese town
* Floods hit the US Eastern Seaboard
* Palestinians celebrate hoisting of flag at UN
Many arose to prophesy about the end times nearing. Some predict the U.S. will be hit with major disasters due to her abandoning Israel via striking the Iran nuclear deal. Another says finally the stage is set for the lawless man to appear, causing the rapture of the saints and the arrival of the Savior to become imminent etc. and so forth. Listening to them make already confused people more confused.
The reason for the confusion and loss of the peace of mind lies in the lack of clarity on the will of God. God is God. He is the God of plan and purpose. And He is in control. Nothing happens without it being consistent with the will of God. And God's will purpose and plan are all clear, as crystal clear as the light of the day.
How then can one know/understand the will purpose and plan of God? There are many Scriptures that reveal God's will, but of all, stands out the word of our Lord Jesus when he spoke to the religious leaders of his day before his suffering, where Jesus quoted from Psalm 118, "The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes." 22, 23
In our days there arise builders trying to build their kingdom according to their own will. They include folks like Jihadists, Zionists, political leaders like Putin, Iranian leaders, leaders in Israel, politicians of the U.S. like Obama, Hillary Clinton or nowadays Donald Trump. All of them are playing their own cards to promote their own agenda according to their own will and purpose. It was the same with the people of Jesus' day.
When Jesus the Savior and God over all came to the land of Israel, the builders of the world such as the religious leaders of Jesus' day or the governors of the Gentiles (Romans) rejected Jesus, yet God rejected their rejection and in turn made the rejected stone the cornerstone.
Knowing that Jesus is the plan that will stand, (meaning all other plans that are inconsistent with Jesus will be set aside, coming to nothing), what should one do?
We find the answer to the question in what Jesus added: "Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed." Matthew 21:44
Everyone is a builder, building this or that, some as a politician some as the so called leader of a church organization or some declaring atheist.
But all builders ought to attend to what Peter says: "As you come to him, the living Stone - rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him-- you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1Pe 2:4,5
You might be tempted to say, "Oh, I do not want to have anything to do with Jesus. I eat my own bread, mind my own business, live my own life." But remember: you cannot avoid Jesus for He is THE Stone. He is THE Builder. So there are only three possibilities: You either are built into Him (THe Plan of God), fall on this stone, or the stone falling on you. If you fall on this stone you will be broken to pieces. If the stone falls on you you will be crushed. So we better repent and turn to Him, so we be built into Him, the Living Stone. Otherwise, you will end up learning all of your pursuits especially 'yourself' earning nothing but eternal destruction.
And this is true both on a collective level (like the deal on Syria or Palestine vs. Israel deal) as well as a personal level.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Monday, September 21, 2015
Grow me up, Lord!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Biblical Concept of Man (Man 101)
What then is man? There is a pictorial answer to this question, illustrated in Exodus 1-4.
In calling Moses to go and save the slave nation Israel, the Lord said, "This will be a sign to you - the sign that it is I who sent you: "After you have brought the people out you will worship God on this mountain."
God created man in His image. By worshiping God man can thrive functioning like Him, so that man would be like God serving Him as His child enjoying the fellowship with Him, taking care of His creation.
The Israel of Moses' day fell short of this glorious state. The downward trip began with Abram and eventually all of his 70 going down to Egypt where its ruler began to treat the people Israel as slaves. After about 4 centuries the Lord heard their cry. Through Moses the Lord chose to recover them back to the original state, that is, the life that worships and serves God, deriving from the fellowship with Him the full life and thriving onto His infinite beauty.
No creatures were endowed with this feature, that is, the image of God and the feature to worship Him. Only human beings were created in His image, not even angels. No wonder that the devil also known as Satan grew jealous that through the serpent tried to tempt man causing his downfall and since then continually attempting to pull him down. But still the Lord God chose to save man back to the original state of glory. Speaking of this restoration the Lord God said, "Here on this mountain you (Yes, even you yourself Moses) will worship God!
Man worships God in spirit and in truth. Spirit and truth refer to the Living Word that comes from the mouth of the Living God. After giving Moses the sign for him, the Lord performed three miracles: staff turning to snake, hand turning leprous, water turning to blood. While the three miracles of snake, leprosy, and blood address the way/power of redemption, it denotes the Lord God being holy, who alone is set apart, in that he alone is self-sufficient, so that under His holy wings man though in and of himself self-deficient can stand perfect in righteousness, holiness, and redemption, becoming fully sufficient through God-sufficiency.
Speaking of this truth the Apostle Paul states, "Now if we are children, we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with the Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings, in order that we also may share in his glory." Romans 8:17 [For those who live by faith in the Lord, participating in His sufferings for His name's sake represents opportunities to experience His glory.]
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
The Biblical definition of sleep
Saturday, August 29, 2015
The Faith of God
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Launching pad for a Zip Line at the Pinecrest |
That is why it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his descendants—not only to the adherents of the law but also to those who share the faith of Abraham, for he is the father of us all... Romans 4:16
From August 18 to 26 I and Rebekah visited Vietnam. We came back home on August 27. After a few hours of sleep in Redding, the next morning we flew down to LAX via San Francisco Airport, to attend the LA UBF Summer Bible Conference.
The conference took place at the Pinecrest Presbyterian Christian Conference Center in Big Bear Mountain.
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Pinecrest added an archery |
I was sick with stomach flu, so I could not attend the first night evening service. Apparently Robert Fishman served a message, "You will be a blessing" Genesis 12:1-9.
Lying in bed sick, I meditated on the Bible passage.
One word, "God's faith" came to mind. It deeply moved my heart. The days of Abram were wicked, so wicked that the Lord God had to wipe out through the Flood all peoples on earth except Noah's family. But the problem of idol worship did not go away, but only mushroomed. Joshua 24:2
Apparently Abraham's father Terah talked with Noah and Noah's son Shem. Abraham knew Shem 150 years. Noah died 2 years before Abraham was born. Isaac knew Shem 50 years. (Source: Agape Bible Study at In other words Abraham is in the line of believing family. Yet how come did he too worship idols? Too sad!
Yet, in faith God visited Abram and called him with the promise of blessing: I will make you into a great nation; I will bless you; I will make your name great!; You will be a blessing; all peoples on earth will be blessed through you!
If you are unsure you do not use the word 'will', but with absolute faith God said, "I will" repeatedly.
Abram at the time of God's calling, Abram had every reason to regard himself as hopeless. For one thing he was 75 years old. He was childless. Perhaps his health also started deteriorating.
Yet, God called him out with a great promise: I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
When I put myself in Abram's position, I doubt whether or not the promise of such great blessings would come true of me. But when I thought about God who believed in what he was saying, faith arose within me, so I too could believe.
I think when this great calling came upon Abram first, he too must have doubted. But I am confident that Abram too was moved by God's faith, so he too believed. Thus he left and go. And as he went along, he built an altar to God and called on the name of the Lord.
The same promise is guaranteed to all who share the faith of Abraham. Thank and praise be to the Lord who had absolute faith in Him that he gave us wonderful promises believing that we too would believe in Him, that all who put trust in Him and his promises would see the promises becoming a reality in each of us beginning here and now! Amen!
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Viva Vietnam
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Uncle Ho Inspecting People's Army |
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
SUN rises on Vietnam
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View from Abe Lee's Riverside Apt. |
Sunday, August 9, 2015
The Lips of Children and Sucklings
Sunday, July 26, 2015
The Kingdom of God is "WITHIN" you. Luke 17:21 (Location of the problem)
Knowing where the problem exists is the key to getting it resolved. This is like when one loses one's eyeglasses, in order to find them, he must first find (or at least think about) where he might have put them. About three months ago I lost my eyeglasses. I searched them everywhere, but with no success. After three months finally I gave up. (Or rather my wife gave up). So my wife contacted the Costco, found out the prices. We went there and got new pairs (she had one, I also had one). After getting a new pair, in two days, I found the old ones. I put them in a small bag, in a side pocket attached to the 8-5 inches of the green bag for my Ipad. But since I did not know when where I put them there, although the bag was always there in my bedroom, I never bothered to look for them there.
We can easily understand this truth when we think about how the first couple Adam and Eve fell. They fell and got into all troublems by first taking the forbidden fruit and eating it. When you eat it it goes inside of you. Then "you" became sin-sick. This is just like a man eating rotten fruit, so as the rotten fruit remains inside, he starts getting sick, like stomach flu or diarrhea. When this happens our body knows this first, so as the body pushes the contaminated food out, you end up puking. Then you feel better.
- One lady next door contacted me saying, "Isaac, my husband just walked away from home. He lost his job. Then he started behaving erratically. He got depressed, became belligerent, and started sleeping outside, not coming back home. As I tried to help him out, even begging him to come back and sleep at home, he said, "Shut your mouth. If you keep bugging, you will get a bullet in your head." She knew he had a gun underneath his bed. So she called the police. The police said, "Lock the gun." She did lock it up. Then the husband walked away for good, never coming back home. "Isaac, I am afraid. What should I do?" I then shared with her that the problem exists inside, not outside. With her problem being anxious and worried (about first and more about her life without the husband in support of her, than her husband), I shared with her 1 John 5:4 which says "This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith." Like this lady the Apostle John also was nervous and anxious about his life. Living under the Roman rule he had to see the Roman soldiers coming, nabbing innocent Christians and getting them eaten live by wild beasts in a public arena. He was single. He did not have a stable job. And in his old body he had to be worried and anxious. He also suffered from anger and hatred towards the Romans who butchered people just for being a Christian. Then one day (tradition so says) as he was imprisoned at the Island of Patmos, he complained to Jesus saying, "I am angry for the Romans. I hate them. How can I get rid of this hatred?" Then he heard the voice from the Lord, "John, it is because you did not repent and turn to (or live by faith in) me." The message him him like a thunder. Then he knelt down, repented and turned to the Lord. Then problems (anger, hatred, worry, anxiety) disappeared. Filled with the Holy Spirit, even revelations poured in. And this is how we came to have the Book of Revelation!
- God does not get rid of Satan, but still let him run wild. It is because the problem is NOT without that is Satan but within that is you.
- In the parable of weed and wheat when servants came and asked, "Do you want us to pull out all the weeds?" the owner said, "No." The owner said "No pulling up and throwing away weeds until the harvest time" because the problem exists not outside but inside.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Bible Indonesia World Campus Mission
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Responsibility - the purpose of God's child education
The book of Genesis consists of 50 chapters. Of the fifty chapters thirty chapters are assigned to describing the life of Joseph. Joseph occupies three out of five! Genesis is known as the Code Book for God's Salvation. Question then becomes, "Why did the Lord assign three fifths of the book to describing the life of Joseph?"
I think we can find the answer to the question in what Judah said to his father Jacob, that is, to teach his children the responsibility for the safety of brethren.
In the book of Genesis God made efforts to produce children. His efforts produced the result: Israel bearing 11 sons out of which 70 came out. Genesis 46:21
But the problem is the quality of children, not the quantity. If all of his children do not love one another, hate each other, hit each other, soon they would all turn out to be children of the devil, bound to destruction.
Since the fall of the first man Adam and Eve, children started coming out, but the children registered the same problem from the first family: Cain the first son of the first couple murdered his younger brother Abel!
Number of people increased on the surface of the world, but since the problem remained unaddressed, eventually all became good for nothing, so after ridding the earth of them via the flood except Noah's family, the Lord made a new beginning. Out of Noah came out Abraham, then Isaac then Jacob called Israel who in turn produced eleven. What was the quality of the eleven?
The problem remains still unaddressed. The Eleven were the hodgepodge of kids from four different moms! There was no unity of love among them. No wonder that after lynching through Judah's initiative they sold Joseph in a slave market.
How did the Lord solve the problem? In the account of the so called "Joseph's love" as narrated in Genesis 30-50, using Joseph, the Lord taught his children the sense of responsibility knowing how to be responsible for the life of fellow brethren.
Monday, July 6, 2015
The Christian's Secret of Happy Life for Today
I saw in a box dozens of books which are all Bible related. I asked the daughter in charge of the sale, "How much are ALL the books in the whole box?"
She said, "$5.-"
So I bought them all.
It was only today that I was able to read one of the books entitled "The Christian's Secret of Happy Life for Today."
The book has 223 pages, but I think the writings on the two pages below on the message of the Old Testament Scriptures (the Law says) and the New Testament Scriptures (the Gospel says) pretty much sum up the point.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
2015 U.S. Canada Staff Meeting Report Part I (by Msn. Jose Ahn)
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Bible Mozambique, World Campus Mission - A new house church for the poineering work of Mozambique
Here is the good news of Sara (Portugal) and Thapelo (South Africa) by M. James Lee.
Monday, June 1, 2015
The Day Job Was Born Again
In Job 42, Job said "My ears have heard of you, but now that my eyes have seen you, I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes."
Job was a good person, yet while he did not meet the Lord in person, he remained unsaved. The words that flew from his mouth in response to the three friends that were visiting him evidence his lost condition. Here and there he said something which sounded that he was 'saved', such as saying, "I know my redeemer lives and in the end he will stand upon the earth." Job 19:25 But what he said in Job 19:25 falls short of conviction of the salvation, just as was the case with one thirsty woman in Samaritan area when she said to Jesus, "I know that Messiah (called Christ) is coming; when he comes he will explain everything." John 4:25
The Lord had mercy on him, sent and spoke through Elihu three times. Just like John the Baptist preaching, "Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him" Mark 1:3, Elihu helped Job prepare for the Lord speaking. The Lord indeed came and spoke once, twice and the third time. Then there was an encounter: Job met the Savior in person. "My eyes have seen you." In the past he used to know the Lord only by 'hearsay', just as he said, "My ears have heard of you". But now it was different. "My eyes have seen you!" After personal encounter with the Savior a man born blind said, "I was blind, but now I see." John 9:25
The signs of new birth came right away:
1. I despise myself. He found himself no longer worthy. He stated no longer 'self righteously'. As the Apostle Paul said he opened his eyes on the deadness of his old self for the old self is going to go only from bad to worse. Opening the eyes of the old self comes with the bestowal of the new self which is created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Eph 4:24
2., I repent in dust and ashes. Dust is where a sinner is to go. Ash refers to nothingness (or lifelessness). Repentance "in dust and ashes" is a synonym for the throwing up one's hands to the Lord, giving up the life that relies on himself, choosing to live by full faith in the Lord. It was the sign of total surrender to the Lord, just as Peter said, "Go away from me, for I am a sinful man." Luke 5:8
From this day on Job could live a new life in the Lord, just as was said, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone; the new is come."
The Lord blessed the life after conversation so to speak twice as much as before. (Job 42:12 et seq)
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Shining like a star in the sky at night
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86-16=70 |
Friday, May 15, 2015
A Book Recommendation - The Historical Christ by David Greer
This book is available for free at the website: Once you go there, type in words like "The historical Christs, the moral power of history, by David Greer."
It was published in 1890, and about Jesus Christ. On the way (of reading it through) you also can meet in a passing way people like St. Paul, St. Augustine (the great Christian theologian), Tertullian (the great Christian purist), Origen (the great Christian mystic), Mohammed in the Koran, Zoroaster, Sakyi Mouni, Fenelon, Vincent de Paul, and many more.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
An Altar Call for Jacob
Jacob had a relationship problem. He did not get along with Esau his twin brother. Even after shaking hands, he ended up telling a lie, that is, instead of going to Seir he went to Succoth and settled there, sending a message: "Esau, you live over there, minding your business, I live over here minding my business." Prior to this event he exhibited the same problem with his neighbor Laban, his relative. Laban was his father-in-law, from whom came his wives. Yet, he built a wall between him and Laban as if sending a message, "Laban, you mind your business over there, I will mind my business over here." He had problems with his neighbors the townspeople at Succoth, for as he had a relationship problem Dinah had a problem, so she went out and got into trouble. Like father, his sons went out and gotten into trouble with neighbors - they butchered people in revenge, making it impossible for Jacob to continue to stay there.
We see this 'relationship' problem not only on an individual level but also on a nationwide, and certainly worldwide level. Esau used to be bent on killing Jacob, and Jacob used to flee from him. And the Scripture ways the hands of Ishmael will be against all, prompting all against those who are against all.
Is there a solution to the relationship problem? Genesis 35:1 offers the solution, that is, build an altar to the Lord. Altar is symbolic of dedication and consecration. There you lay down what you have been attached to or holding onto - people, money, and all else, that is that which is created, and devote yourself to God, so you would rise to God's level and live at His level. [The expression 'settle' there at Bethel means do not meander or deviate from there, so you should always walk with God.]
People like Laban, Esau, people at Sukkot, are all limited, so they are not the objects of competition, but compassion from you. The Lord prayed that Jacob should leave the life that lives on man's level, and rise to and live on God's level, so that by being fully sufficient with God who alone is fully sufficient all the time he could live not as a competitor but a source of blessing for all peoples on earth.
Go up to Bethel and settle down there. Build an altar to me. Jacob then called that place El Bethel. El means God. Bethel means house of God. Bethel is not a physical location but a spiritual one, built inside of you.
After the worship at El Bethel, it appears that Jacob forgot the purpose of the altar call. So the Lord God had to appear to him again and reminded him that his name should no longer be Jacob but Israel meaning 'the one who contends with God and men and has overcome."
This is the reminder of the purpose of the altar call, that is, the call to live on God's level, not on man's level, and purpose of this purpose is for God to use him as a source of blessing for all nations, just as is shown in his promise (given to him subsequent to the reminder), "I am God Almighty; be fruitful and increase in number. A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will be among your descendants." Gen 35:11
Thursday, May 7, 2015
The way of the Holy Spirit
The environment in which he saw God face to face reveals the way of the Holy Spirit, that is, He reveals and makes himself present in an environment which is devoid of that which is created, or simply QE, that is, a quiet environment, because of which we say, "You need "QT" (quiet time) with the Lord."
God created man to represent Him as his steward for his creation. To equip man to do this mission he built into man the channels to God and his creation, so it has been said, "within man are found ways opened up - the channel to the mineral, the biological, the animal, man, demons, angels, and God."
In reaching God (or God reaching us) and having communion with Him in the sphere of time and space in our inner person, sincerity separation dedication (or consecration) and stillness on our part are must.
In case of Jacob using the news that Esau approaches him with 400 men, the Lord secured sincerity of the heart on Jacob's part, so he not only moved over the Jabbok river the 550 mercedes benzs, but also his wives, and 11 sons. He was left alone. To help him empty himself the Lord wrestled with him all night. The blessing came when finally he after desperate prayer "save me (from the sword of Esau)" received the new name Israel [meaning a man who struggled with God and man, and won [or overcame]](rather than Jacob meaning the deceiver). Then joy and peace ruled in his heart.
Jesus followed the sane path, that is, before he began his public ministry he went down into the river of Jordan for baptism (separation from creation, dedication to the divine). As we rose from the river, the Spirit descended upon him. Voice (this is my son; I am pleased with him) was heard.
Similarly Peter said to the crowds, "Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and you will receive the Holy Spirit." Acts 2:38
The way of the Spirit is most clearly seen in the way the Lord commanded Moses to build the tabernacle. This way is not man's invention. It is from God, for he says, "Built the tabernacle according to the pattern shown you [by me the Lord] on the mountain." The temple/tabernacle consists of three sections, two on earth three from above, that is, "holy" place, "holy of holies', and finally the one who is holy holy and holy descends. Inside of the holy of the holies there is the ark of the covenant. Inside the covenant is the Lord's Ten Commandments. Above it is the atonement cover on which there are two cherubs (whose mission is to protect his holiness). Between the cherubs the Lord promised to speak to the Israelites. This set up is a lot of hiding on God's part, as Isaiah said, "You are a God who hides yourself". Isaiah 45:15
Because the way of the Holy Spirit is set this way, the first batch of Jesus' disciples also had to wait 10 days in (intense) prayer until the day of Pentecost.
The same was true with the Apostle John. According to the tradition after Jesus' departure, and through the days when the wind of persecution was raging throughout the Roman Empire, John had hard time to overcome hatred against the Roman 'beasts'. One day while he was incarcerated at the island of Patmos, to overcome hatred he sort of complained to the Lord, "Why I cannot love the Romans? Why is there still hatred in me?" (from watching the innocent being butchered by the Roman beasts.) Then Jesus said, "It is because you do not deny himself." The word of the Lord struck him like a thunder. Then true conversion (emptying himself and turning to the Lord) took place, whereupon along with the revelations the Holy Spirit poured in. In a matter of week or so, the book of Revelation was born.
In talking with Dr. Paul Hong of Toledo last weekend, he asserted that the Apostle Paul had a quiet time (QT) while he was incarcerated for two years in the prison cell in Jerusalem. During the two year period, no one (from the second-gen controlled church of Jerusalem) visited him, Dr. Paul alleges. It was while he was having the QT that he did receive most of (if not all) revelations as reflected in his epistles.
"That night... Jacob was left alone..." (Gen 32:22, 24) During the night all grew calm. Noise and the hustle bustle of the day are quieted down. As the angry face of Esau looms large on him, he must knelt down praying more earnestly than ever. And this went on..., until the next morning, and he met God face to face, calling the place "Peniel". 32:30
In the same way Elijah heard the Lord (speaking in a gentle whisper) while in a dark cave, having QT. :-)
Speaking of the same, Isaiah says, "in repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength". Isaiah 30:15 Or Zechariah says, "Be still before the Lord, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his dwelling place." 2:13
Was it a mere coincidence then that it was while he was in a "far" side of the desert that the Lord appeared to him in a burning bush? In a song of ascents (ascending to the throne of the Lord) didn't David exhort the pilgrims, "I have stilled and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother...O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, both now and forevermore"?
Jacob was a pilgrim. And on the way to Paddan Aram (which is symbolic of this mundane world where pilgrimage is staged) the Lord secured for him a QT revealing himself at night (Gen 28).
Jacob's pilgrimage is nearly over. Thus towards the closing point off his pilgrimage the Lord helped Jacob secure a QT at the Jabbok River.
So before during and after the pilgrimage, (or simply now and forever) we the pilgrims do need QT.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Framework of God's Kingdom
This reminded me of Hebrew 12:26 where it is written that God will shake everything that can be shaken so only that which cannot be shaken should remain.
That which cannot be shaken refers to His kingdom, as is described in the scriptures like Isaiah (9:7), Daniel (4:34, 6:26, 7:18) or Luke (1:33).
The citizens of his kingdom are composed of Jesus Christ the Son, and his co-heirs (or his bride), that is, those who belong to Him.
The expression 'that which cannot be shaken' describes the essence of His kingdom that is that which is spiritual. The word 'shaken' or 'shake' (raash in Hebrew), as it is quoted from Haggai 2:6 is repeated 30 times in the Old Testament (in KJV). The key word for this word shaken is the 20th letter of Hebrew Alphabet that is 'reish'. Its primary function of this letter is wickedness, and therefore destruction (via shaking). This concept is seen in what Moses said in regard to the wickedness of the Canaanites reaching its full measure (in fourth generation following Abraham) whereupon the destruction (or cleansing or removal as worthless) should be due.
The same cleansing will happen in regard to the universe, that is, heavens and earth, so as Hebrew 12:6 states the time is set when the foundations of the heavens and earth should be shaken for removal, but this time by heat (2 Peter 3:12).
According to the words of the Apostle Peter, some of the properties of that which cannot be shaken are "those which cannot spoil, fade, or perish." In God's kingdom then you do not need septic system, sewage system, no recycling, no antique stores, no yard sale, no funeral home, no beauty shop, no need to trim your toe or finger nails, no need to put out trash can on every monday (in case of Redding), no need to change engine oil, no need to go to rest room one, two, or three times a day, no need to brush teeth.
Categorically that which cannot be shaken refers to that which is spiritual, just as Jesus said, "The Spirit gives life to man, flesh counts for nothing." John 6
By definition God is the Creator, so that which cannot be shaken is that which exists on the Creator's level. By the same token, that which can be shaken and therefore should be shaken for removal, consists of that which exist on the level of creation such as soul, body, iron, silver, gold, wood, stone, atom, and so forth.
Spiritually though that which cannot be shaken consists of that is righteous and holy. Speaking of the same concept, it is said, "The righteous shall live by faith" or "those who lead many to righteousness shine like stars forever." Daniel 12:3
Similarly the Scripture says "Without holiness no one will see God." Heb 12:14 For this reason the Book of Hebrews warns his audience against sexual immorality and love of money (13:4 et al).
In talking to the Samaritan woman Jesus revealed to her the way to enter the Kingdom which is not shaken: "God is spirit. His worshipers should worship in spirit and in truth." In this statement Jesus exhorted her to position her in the position of spirit, so she would live a life that is spirit-dominant, not flesh-oriented. In the same way Jesus said to Nicodemus, "You must be born (of the spirit) again".
For the same reason the Scripture shows the selection (or election if you will) of Isaac (that which is of God who is spirit) over Ishmael (that which is of man), Jacob (that which is spirit bound) over Esau (that which is earth bound), Israel (that which is spiritual) over Jacob.
To consummate the work of saving people from the world bound for destruction to the Kingdom that is forever life-giving, our Lord Jesus came saying, "I am He". John also says, "God so loved the world that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3:16 Then Peter says, "Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus, and you will receive the Holy Spirit." Acts 2:38
The English word 'position' means "a place where someone is located or has been put.'
So what is your position?