Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Biblical definition of sleep

You  say "I sm going to go and sleep." Then you go to your room fall down on the bed and sleep, or lie down in a couch for a night's sleep.
What then do you mean by sleep?
Here is the answer: to go to the Lord (Jesus Christ) and rest in His arm and find rest in Him.
This definition is true for in the true sense of the word sleep it represensts finding rest in it and this rest is found only in the Lord. 
In this world there is no rest. There you are made only restless. This is seen in the book of Exodus 1 where while the Istarlites were in Egypt they were made restless, for Pharaoh put slave masters over them who in turn drove them to work work and work but no rest. 
Understanding their restlessness the Lord says: come TO ME all of you who are weary and burdened. I will give you rest." King David heard the Lord went to him and found rest (or sleep) in the Lord so he says "The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not be in want."
For the same reason John says: do not love the world and anything in it, for if you do love of the Father is not in you. 
This command may sound hard to practise for you say, "the world offers so much but I don't see the Father." Then you need to understand this: all that are in the world came from the Father." 
So which one woud you rather choose? The world that is seen or the Father who is unseen? Further "Why is it said "God chose the things that are not to nullify the things that are"? Or why did Jesus say to Martha: "Lazarus is not dead but asleep?"

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