Monday, June 1, 2015

The Day Job Was Born Again

In Job 42, Job said "My ears have heard of you, but now that my eyes have seen you, I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes."

Job was a good person, yet while he did not meet the Lord in person, he remained unsaved. The words that flew from his mouth in response to the three friends that were visiting him evidence his lost condition. Here and there he said something which sounded that he was 'saved', such as saying, "I know my redeemer lives and in the end  he will stand upon the earth." Job 19:25 But what he said in Job 19:25 falls short of conviction of the salvation, just as was the case with one thirsty woman in Samaritan area when she said to Jesus, "I know that Messiah (called Christ) is coming; when he comes he will explain everything." John 4:25

The Lord had mercy on him, sent and spoke through Elihu three times. Just like John the Baptist preaching, "Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for  him" Mark 1:3, Elihu helped Job prepare for the Lord speaking. The Lord indeed came and spoke once, twice and the third time. Then there was an encounter:  Job met the Savior in person. "My eyes have seen you." In the past he used to know the Lord only by 'hearsay', just as he said, "My ears have heard of you". But now it was different. "My eyes have seen you!" After personal encounter with the Savior a man born blind said, "I was blind, but now I see." John 9:25

The signs of new birth came right away:

1. I despise myself. He found himself no longer worthy. He stated no longer 'self righteously'. As the Apostle Paul said he opened his eyes on the deadness of his old self for the old self is going to go only from bad to worse. Opening the eyes of the old self comes with the bestowal of the new self which is created to be like God  in true righteousness and holiness. Eph 4:24

2., I repent in dust and ashes. Dust is where a sinner is to go. Ash refers to nothingness (or lifelessness). Repentance "in dust and ashes" is a synonym for the throwing up one's hands to the Lord, giving up the life that relies on himself, choosing to live by full faith in the Lord. It was the sign of total surrender to the Lord, just as Peter said, "Go away from me, for I am a sinful man." Luke 5:8

From this day on Job could live a new life in the Lord, just as was said, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone; the new is come."

The Lord blessed the life after conversation so to speak twice as much as before. (Job 42:12 et seq)

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