Wednesday, July 18, 2012

You Sluggard, Go and Learn from Termites! (Pro 6:6)

The Bible says, "Be fruitful and increase in number." Gen 1:26-28 Our Lord Jesus also says in one of his parables, "Go...and compel them to come in, that my house may be full." Luke 14:23 (KJV)
Can church learn from termites? If so how? Here is how. (This afternoon, at my backyard, in examining a cedar log which was termite infested, I discovered a queen termite wiggling underneath the wood skin. I took a look at it with microscope. Then I grew more curious, which led me to this post.)

Is it hard to put this in practice?

Why not? Do you mean it is easy enough?

How  come?
Here is how:

* A church leader (if you think you are in a leadership position) should remmeber:
1. Jesus is the Senior Pastor - the only one with the authority and power
2. Jesus' leadership is a humble servant leadership who serves the flock with an unworthy servant's attitude
3. Prepare an environment in which "all" members can fully grow in the Lord Jesus
4. And serve the Lord with the talents/gifts the Lord empowers each person with

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