Saturday, March 24, 2012

Getting to the heart of all the problems in life, and finding the solution to them in 3 minutes!

I will raise up for them a prophet like you... Deuteronomy 18:18

Moses speaks in Deuteronomy 18 to his folks, I guess about two million strong in number. Moses spent time with them for 40 years, as they journeyed to the Promised Land. Now they are about to get in. Looking back to the day when the Israelites freshly got out of Egypt, and gathered at the foot of the Mount Sinai nearly four decads before, Moses reminds his people of the problem their ancestor had: that is, avoiding 'direct communication' with God, for their forefathers said at the Mount Sinai, "Let us not hear the voice of our Lord God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die." He bothered to talk about the problem for unless one resolves the problem, that problem will never go away, and life will go only from bad to worse.

Amazingly the Lord said to Moses, "What they say is 'good'". What they said, especially the part reading, "or we will die", is a lie. In fact the opposite is true: hearing the voice of the Lord God is the key to life. In order to stay alive one ought to hear His voice and remain in direct and constant connection with Him. Yet the Lord accepted their suggestion, perhaps understanding their weaknesses, and willing to wait for the time to come - the time for them to learn to communicate with the Lord better. Again the Lord did NOT give up the purpose - opening up direct communication with his children. As he promised in Deuteronomy 18:18 he sent Jesus the Son who opened the way for all believers to hear his voice directly. Jesus opened a 'hot line' so to speak, the line for the direcd communication between God and men. He did it for God knows that all problems we have in life stem from men losing the "inter-personal" relationship with God.

Question: How am I using this hot-line? What is my 'usage' of the line? The book of Hebrews 4-11 especially 4:16 exhorts us to make the full use of the line for life. But how much am I actually "on-line" each and every day? Or you do not know even how to get on line and remain in contact with Him?

Further question: In the preceding passage (Deu 18:10-11) Moses lists "seven" [detestable] ways of "communication" (or 'channeling' if you will) practiced by the local people the Israelites were soon to encounter:
  1. divination
  2. sorcery
  3. interpret omens
  4. witchcraft
  5. cast spells
  6. medium or spiritist
  7. consult the dead
What do these practices indicate about man's need for "communication"?

For direct communication (as opposed to indirect) that helps to improve inter-personal relationship, check this site.

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