Saturday, November 10, 2012

The key to winning the battle all the time (and not lose even once) :-)

"And the angel of the Lord disappeared." Judges 6:21

In the day of Gideon the Israelites were defeated most of (if not all) the time. On many occasions the Lord appeared to them and helped them out to win the battle (every once in a while).

One of the great victories the Israelite experienced was that of Gideon defeating the Midianites.

In Judges 6 we see the Lord conversing with Gideon. At first Gideon was not convinced. But one event struck open Gideon's eyes, that he exclaimed "Ah, Sovereign Lord!" Then Gideon was no longer the same.

What was the event? The fire that flared from the rock? The Lord gobbling up the food on the dish (bread with meat and soup like Korean dish called "yookyejang") in the nick of moment? I think it was none other than the Lord appearing and then 'disappearing'.

The Lord belongs to the dimension which is not visible to physical eyes. We live in the physical world (of time and space) in a physical body. Naturally we are drawn,  attached to,  swayed and dictated by what is made visible to our physical eyes. Then we fall prey to the enemies coming to make us lose.

But what is visible did not come from what we can see with our physical eyes, so that what is physically visible the product of what is unseen. For this reason we are told not to love anything in this world. 1Jo 2:15. Read Genesis 3:6 to see who lost the battle first and why.

So the Apostle Paul says, "We live by faith not by sight." If you live (or go) by sight (i.e., what is seen) you always lose. If you go by faith that is to be certain of what you do not see, you are beyond the grip of  your enemies, just as said: "Faith is the victory." So see the Lord enjoying the Yookgyejang (picture), live by faith in Him, and win the victory all the time, and never lose, not even once..

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