Sunday, October 7, 2012

Your old men dream dreams... Joel 2:28

On Sunday morning while sleeping on the couch at the living room, I had two dreams.

First, a sunday worship service

There was a sunday worship service. It was a joint worship with two chapters participating - participants from a guest chapter and participants from the host chapter. I was asked to make an announcement, but I did not for I did not wear proper 'costume'. After the worship on my way home, I went up to a  mountain and see people returning home: the people from the guest chapter were going back in one single file; whereas a formidable number of people from the host chapter coming out of the center in droves, covering the whole mountain.

Second, food production

I was brought back in time to the days of Moses in Egypt when Moses was still in power (a chief prince under Pharaoh). I saw the irrigation system, the way farm lands were organized, and the way they produce and get the crops transported. Particularly the transportation system looked impressive. Like a vast army marching in a single column, animals carrying mountainous loads of wheat all neatly packed on their backs moved without making a noise. At the end of the column I saw a man of gigantic size whose back is as broad as 4 by 8 feet carrying the crops. I saw officials from foreign nations coming in and out of the administration office building through a gigantic door, asking the local officers (who seemed to be the managers of the farm lands in charge of food production). The visitors from other nations were holding a writing pad, putting down the information the managers freely shared.

Two thoughts came to mind (after the dreams):

No. 1 - environment does not matter; the God factor does, for fruit-bearing. In the day of Joseph the Egyptians had seven years of thickness, which were followed by seven thin years. What makes the land thin or thick? Is it the seven Niles? Or something else?

No. 2 - a mother like shepherd: we are studying the first samuel. As the Lord blessed Hannah to help Samuel learn at the Lord's feet, hope grew in an otherwise hopeless generation, the hope to build the orderly kingdom of God. Do we have prayerful mothers or mother like shepherds praying for their sons and daughters (flock of God)? Or do we drive them out of the ministry to somewhere else? A mother like shepherd gathers young ones to grow under the Lord's leadership, but a politically minded legalistic leadership drives them out to somewhere else.

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