Friday, August 23, 2013

22 Ways Christians Think Differently on Civilization

Exodus 20:25 NIV
[25] If you make an altar of stones for me, do not build it with dressed stones, for you will defile it if you use a tool on it.

Unbelievers think that civilization is good and desirable but believers regard that which is civil as defilement. They are anti-civilization.

Westernization for example brought about high rise buildings streets paved with asphalt blue jeans Internet plastic bottles or nylons like stockings or pantyhose.

These human inventions are not necessarily inherently bad. 

But the problem with the stuff the so called civilized people indulge themselves in and addicted to is that they all stem from that which is 'human' as opposed to Devine. 

By definition God is perfect whereas man imperfect just as it is said God's number is 7 whereas man's number 6.

Speaking essentially of human corruption 
Paul says "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 

Life that endures and prospers forever demand man to rise to the level of God's perfection. 

So as you are in Jesus do not contradict His rule by you getting swamped in the so called civilized ways of life. Rise above the waters of this so-called civilized world which in fact has gone totally uncivil/corrupt.

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