Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bonn UBF - 33 years anniversary service

At 11:00 am August 22, 2013 at a worship hall located 10 minutes of walk from the Bonn UBF along with foreign delegates Bonn UBF members had an anniversary worship service.

Pursuant to Dr Peter Chang's request Pastor Mark Vucekovich served a Sunday message based on Ezra 7:10.

After the message Petrus Chang shared a testimony on Ezra's vision. He is 33 years old. He has the vision for the students of Europe to read study and obey the Bible.

Stephen Elsholtz shared Ezra's strategy to fulfill the vision (build bible living community; bible obeying community [mark 6:37]; bible teaching community).

Shepherd Peter Schweitzer shared Ezra's prayer topics. 1. Bible study leading to spiritual awakening; 2. Release of intermarriage; 3.mobilization of spiritual leaders i.e. 500 bible teachers, 5000 prayer servants, 17,000 house churches.

Thanks offering

Then the Next Generation Leaders did a special song entitled "Take your candle go light the world."

Then Shepherd Joachim Dietzel made an announcement: 1. Decision of faith; 2. CME (Continuing missionary education) 

Part II - Celebration

After a brass ensemble by Rebekka and Company, Daniel Yang of Chicago and Dr Peter Chang offered words of celebration. Holy Maria Ryu did a special song.

Little Sarah shared a testimony on UBF Mission ministry. Isaac Kim from Los Angeles served a special speech entitled "Father's Love" based on John 14:23 "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them." He stated that we should remember the identity as a missionary sent by the Father to this world (Hebrew 11:9). The Father sent us here to invite the homeless to the home where God is the Father. To do so we need to love Jesus as the Apostle said "Fix your thoughts on Jesus". Then we naturally obey His teaching. In specifics we pray to build a Bible living Bible obeying and Bible teaching community.

Thereafter there was a ballet dance and dinner fellowship.

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