Sunday, December 30, 2012

Brasvo Sunday Worship services

First, Sunday worship at the Brasvo Christian Training Center

From 10 - 12, Dec. 30, a worship service took place at the Young Lee's Missionary Training Center. The worship consisted of prayers, hymns, offering, Pastor Young Lee's words of encouratement and admonition, songs of praise such as a family coming out and serving a special music program. Another couple served a special song. A missionary Sandu came out and served a brief message. The next program was myself coming out and making a special report on God's work throgh the UBF ministry. Pastor Young Lee's wife Esther quietly served all the attendants with prayers, serving food, greetings, etc.

I organized my report/sermon as follows:

- History of Korea based on Isaiah 9:1-2 (
- History of UBF based on Acts 1:8 (see slideshow on my blog entitled "Bible Romania and World   Campus Mission) (useful link -
- History of myself (LA UBF in particular) based on Genesis 1:31, Romans 1:5, and Mark 16:20
- History of Universe based on Daniel 7:14, 27-28; Ecc 12:13 (link -

Bucharest UBF members (John J. Chung and his wife Monica, Alexandru (master 1. agricultural consulting), Doru (landscaping 4)and Andreea (political science 2) at bucharest univ. attended the worship.

Second worship at the Romanian Brethren Church of Codlea

After lunch served by the Romanian family headed by Gabriel, from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. along with the UBF members we had a worship service at the above referenced church located at the sattelite city "Codlea".  There I also shared a special testimony on God's work through the UBF worldwide. About 300 people gathered there. (Gabriel has 7 daughters, all unmarried, and one son at the center  in the picture above. The family call Pastor Young Lee, "Grandpa".)

After my presentation, Pastor Young Lee hurried me to go to another church for another presentation, whereas Bucharest UBF coworkers remained at the church and kept company with the congregation for post worship fellowship.

Third worship at the Romanian Brethren Church of Sacele

The church in Codlea branched out to Sacele which is another sattelite city of Brasvo. There from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. I also shared a special testimony on God's work through UBF worldwide. About one hundred people were gathered.

Thereafter the Gabriel family invited us to a dinner fellowship. The fellowship lasted from 7:30 p.m. till close to midnight.

Tomorrow is the last day of 2012, and along with Pastor Young Lee, I am scheduled to head for Bucharest and do the following:

- Invite to and host a luncheon fellowship all Korean missionaries operating in Romania (including our present UBF members as well as ex-UBF director. I don't know how many will come.

- Head for the airport to go to Tanzania for the African Directors' Conf.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Msn Isaac!
Thank God for your wonderful 30years service in LAUBF along with Msn Rebecca, John and many more.
I was encouraged by your UBF Hx report where I found in this web.
May God richly bless your mission trip, come back with full of holy spirit.
In Christ love
p.s. -eventhough we couldn't celebrate your 30yr dedication to the Lord, my prayer may go out where you are with my appreciation.