Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bible Zambia, World Campus Mission

Lately, Missionary Nehemiah Kim of Zambia opened an eyeglasses store. Please pray for the Lord's blessings on his business and the missionary work in Zambia.

Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 08:14:40 +0200
Subject: 잠비아에서
From: sekimcindy@yahoo.co.kr
To: andrewkim63@hotmail.com


잠비아 소식 전해 드립니다

저희는 약 이개월 전에 안경점을 오픈하였습니다. 사진 몇 장 보내드릴께요. 아직 시작이라 사업이 잘 되지는 않습니다. 그래서 기도하고 있습니다. 

미국 수양회에는 저는 안가고 우리 동역자가 참석합니다. 수단 역사를 위해 저희도 기도하고 있습니다.

잠비아에서 김 느헤미야 드림

Nehemiah Sungeun Kim. P.O. BOX 39529 Lusaka Zambia. +260 967 923738

Bible Cameroon, World Campus Mission

July 25, 2013, Missionary Timothy Chung of Botswana shared the prayer topics for the UBF Cameroon in one of his emails to Msn. Andrew Kim.

The prayer topics are:

- Shepherd Emmanuel Tonkeu (email - ccubf@yahoo.fr) to build a house church
- The upcoming Bible conference from August 23-24 where 12 coworkers from the French Paris UBF are going to join

While Missionary Timothy was in Cameroon he had Bible studies with Emmanuel. Later Timothy left Emmanuel behind all by himself and moved to Botswana. Emmanuel is a high school math teacher.

Pasted below is Msn. Timothy's email to Andrew Kim.

Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 08:33:18 +0200
Subject: Botswana
From: chtubf@gmail.com
To: andrewkim63@hotmail.com

주안에서 사랑하는 안드레 선교사님
안녕하십니까? 보츠와나 정 디모데입니다. 수단뿐 아니라 아프리카 전체 역사를 돌아보고 섬기시느라 수고가 많으십니다. 때마다 주님께서 안드레 선교사님께 힘과 은혜를 넘치게 공급해 주시기를 기도합니다. 600명이나 되는 외국 선교사님들이 추방당하는 상황 속에서도 우리 선교사님들을 지켜주시는 하나님께 감사드립니다. 계속 하나님의 도우심이 우리 선교사님들을 굳게 지켜주시고 캠퍼스 제자 양성 역사를 능히 이루도록 도와주시기를 간절히 기도합니다.
카메룬에 Emmanuel Tonkeu(엠마누엘 똥커) 형제가 외롭게 있습니다. 저희와 계속 기도 제목을 나누고 있습니다. 지금 중고등학교 수학 교사입니다. 저는 그를 버려두고 왔지만  그는 창세기 12장을 통해 하나님의 부르심의 음성을 개인적으로 영접한 후 여러가지 힘든 상황을 지금까지 극복해 왔습니다. 그리고 이 한 말씀 때문에 카메룬의 남는 자로 있습니다. 얼마전 그로부터 8월 23-25일 프랑스 센타에서 12명의 선교사님들과 이방 목자들이 카메룬에 가서 수양회를 가진다는 말을 들었습니다. 자세한 건 그 형제나(cbcubf@yahoo.fr) 프랑스 파리 마크 최 선교사님께 문의하면 될 것 같습니다. 그리고 그를 위해서도 기도 지원을 하는 게 좋지 않을까 생각합니다. 아프리카 55개국 가운데 절반 이상이 불어권입니다. 그가 불어권의 믿음의 조상으로 굳게 설 수 있도록 기도지원을 하는게 필요한 것 같습니다.
그리고 보츠와나에서 있을 신년 수양회는 저희가 이전부터 기도하고 준비하고 있습니다. one star hotel 을 수양회 장소로 찾았는데 수양회 회비로 개인당 200불이면 될 것 같습니다.
늘 강건하시기를 기도합니다.

Ubee Modem/Router Wireless Setting

If your modem Ubee drops signals, follow the procedures below:

- hard-wire with an Ethernet cable from modem to your laptop (or PC or mac)
- get on line and type in:
- type in user name and password
- go to wireless tab
- set the radio channel to 3,4,8, or 9 (1,6,11 are default setting)
- choose tkip+aes rather than aes for encryption
- disable automatic security setting

that is it.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Bible Heidelberg World Campus Mission

This week (last week of July) we were blessed with the presence of Missionary Kaleb Hong the Director of Heidelberg UBF visiting us.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bible Austin Texas, World Campus Mission

Two days ago, Shepherd Isaac Kim of Chicago wrote me sharing his prayer topic to go pioneer Austin Texas, beginning this Fall. He wrote in his email to me, "Hello, Missionary Isaac, I wanted to just send you a link to a blog that we set up to keep people updated with our preparations as we move to Austin. It has all of our prayer topics and information on the city, etc. Of course, you and Downey ministry are a huge part of the reason for my faith and conviction to plant a church. I'm in debted for the grace that I've received through you and Downey ministry. We will be moving 2 days after the International conference (August 6th). I hope that you and Missionary Rebekah, can visit us when we are settled! As always, thank you for your prayer for us, looking forward to seeing you at the conference,"

Joshua Jun's family also go with his family. 

They already set up a website where you can find information on the Austin Texas UBF. 

22 Ways Christians Think Differently on life - No. 12: the Ultimate Solution to the Ultimate Problem of All Men

A while ago I planted in a small space in front of my house six water melon seeds. At first my wife doubted whether or not she should be able to see water melon growing up. She kept watering. Then lo and behold. Three water melons are growing, one of which is  as big as a soccer ball. She looks forward to eating it on her birthday which is due in two days!

This small gardening experience and the reading of John's gospel 14 inspired me with the hope in Jesus, that is, the vision to restore the Perfect Garden of delight in Jesus. 

Now this: All the problems suffered or to be suffered by all men of all generations are traceable to one ultimate cause, that is, doubting the love God has for his children. Jesus came to solve this problem. We can find the solution in the answers to the 8 questions in John 14. 

Q 1 - In v. 2a, Jesus says, "In my Father's house are many mansions." Are the 'mansions' mentioned here really 'mansions' like the ones in the Beverly Hills?

** Yes, but better than the mansions we see them now in the nice neighborhood like Bell Air or Beverly Hills, for as Daniel 7 and Revelation 21 say, in a due course of time God will make everything new for his children. 

Q 2 - In v. 2b Jesus says, "I go and prepare a place for you."
What is the 'place'?

** Again, place is place just like everyone in a city occupies one place or another. For example I live at a house in Downey California. On physical death the mode of one's existence will change, but upon Jesus' coming again, he or she will receive a new resurrected body. Anyways whether one is in an interim state or in a final state (resurrected body), one is in need of place. Even the 'information' such as an e-file containing a picture or document needs a place for storage. I know what you might be thinking: "Well, when I die, my body turns to dust, but where does my soul go? Where is it kept?" Well, God's storage system is way better than the way modern technology provides. Just as there are tons of cloud services, so also God has his own storage system up and running. Read Rev 20:12; Daniel 7:10.

Q 3 - In v. 3, Jesus says, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you onto myself, that where I am, there you may be also." " Did he come already? Or is this promise still pending?

** Not yet, for this promise is still pending. As Peter said to God thousand years are like a few days.

Q 4 - In v. 10 Jesus says, "I am in my Father", and yet in v. 12 he says, "I go onto my Father." If he is in the Father, why does he say, "I go onto my Father?"

** This simply means Jesus is going to physically die on a tree, only to rise again, so he would no longer be in a physical body in a physical world, for as he is, He is with the Father, and will come back to this planet earth sooner than later just as the disciples had seen him going up to heaven.

Q 5 - In vs. 13-14 Jesus says in effect that if one prays for anything in Jesus' name, Jesus will do it, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. Why is this 'why'? [In other words what is the big deal in the Father being glorified?]

 ** In Hebrew concept, 'father' is the 'originator' (or simply the 'source' of life) of family. In the U.S. and all other parts of the world, father's problem is the source of all problems like the problem of broken families. In a way all people of all generations originated from one person Adam who then got into the problem and became the originator of problems, by first doubting the kind of love God has for him (and Eve who came from Adam who came from God the Father). Jesus came to correct the error, that is, obeying the Father's command - even the command to die for our sins on a tree, so all who put trust in this love would be restored back to the Father who is the source of life. 

Q 6 - In v. 23, Jesus says, "If a man loves me, he will keep my words, and my Father will love him." John Lennon once said, "How can I give love when I don't know what it is I'm giving?
How can I give love when I just don't know how to give?
How can I give love when love is something I ain't never had?
Oh no, oh no." What is your response to Jesus' call to love him?"

** Jesus came to address the questions John Lennon was asking, that is, to give love, how to give it, so his believers would have this love for good. Once Jesus said to his disciples, "Love one another as I have loved you." So Jesus showed them and gave them the kind of love we ought to give. But this is not all; he came to show us even how we ought to love God the Father. See the answer to the Q 8. 

Q 7 -  In v. 28 Jesus says, "My Father is greater than I." How then can Jesus be coequal with "God"? In v. 30 Jesus says, "...the prince of this world...has nothing in me." [KJV] Why does "he has nothing in me" mean? 

** NIV translates it to mean, "He has no hold on me", but I like KJV which means in effect that Jesus obeys God's will for him to die on a tree on his own, not as a victim to the Devil doing in to Jesus. 

Q 8 - In v. 31, Jesus says in effect that he goes to the cross to show us how we should love the Father as Jesus does. Yet, the Apostle Paul says, "God demonstrates his own love in own love for us in this: While we were still sinners Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 Is John 14:13-14 contradicting what Paul says?

** What John says is like "Water melon grows as the sun shines on it and as the gardener waters it." Christ died on a tree for our sins and rose again, so that as one is in the Lord he is like the water melon plant growing in the Garden of Eden where all environments for the water melon to thrive, bearing lots of water melons. 

Just in case you need the strength to fight for life

1 Samuel 30:6 (NIV)
David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the Lord his God.

In today's worship message Shepherd Charles said in effect, "When one thinks he has lost everything and there is nothing he can do, still there is something he can do that is finding strength in the Lord, with which one can go to fight for the recovery of the loss, for when David did that he not only recovered everything, but also garnered a great bounty which he graciously shared with the weak and the strong."

As I listened to his message, the Lord reminded me of the call to live by faith in the Lord who works with his children for the recovery of the fortune God the Father has ready for his children.

David's victory reminds us of the righteousness, holiness, and redemption that will be for those who put trust in Him.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Bible Czech Republic and World Campus Mission

Conference Site
Charles  University

Last Weekend, in Krkonose of Czech Bohemia, the Fifth Second Gen Bible Conference took place. The children of age level 5-15 attended. 

Missionary David Shin made a report on the conference saying, 

"Thank God, who has so blessed our 5th 2nd gen. Msn. conference 2013 in Czech Republic. 

Our conference place was situated in Krkonose (which is in northeast part of Czech Bohemia - It looks like Czech Alps). 

God is truly good! We witnessed great work of the Holy Spirit!

We learnt the sovereign God creator (Gen. 1:1-31) 2nd gen. Msn. Peter Jeong from Cologne UBF, Forgiving God (Lk 23:1-56) 2nd gen.  Msn. David Shin from Prague UBF and that we need to Take out our cross and follow Him (Mk8:27-38) by 2nd gen. Msn. Samuel Ryu from Bonn UBF. The title of our conference was "Have faith in God!" (Mk11:20-25) I thank and praise God, who so loves our children  and uses them as good co-workers. I was so touched by His Love and Grace which he has revealed through our conference. 35 children and 35 adults from 15 different countries attended our conference. 27 of our children shared their life testimonies and made a great decision of faith! Through intensive 2 months skyping and praying of our women missionaries and 8 of our main Bible teacher missionaries we witnessed great work of the Holy Spirit!      

If you want I can send you my updated LF asap in english. 

This is just my message that I had at the conference. Btw. there is my short LF. "

David is now 25 years young. He is a student at the Charles University of Czech Republic, majoring in political science.

He is the only son of Missionary Isaac and Hannah Shin. Suwon UBF sent his parents to Prague Czech Republic as missionaries leaving him behind. At the age of 5 he joined his parents in Europe. At the age of 15 his father Isaac Shin died. Since then he doubted God's love and lived a wild life. But in 2006 at the Summer Bible Conference hosted by the Yeonhee UBF Center in Korea, John 19:30 (it is finished) touched his heart. And he accepted Jesus as the Lord and Savior. Please remember him in your prayer so the Lord would use him for Bible Europe and World Campus mission beginning at the Charles University. 

Bible Brazil, World Campus Mission

According to Wikipedia, The University of São Paulo (PortugueseUniversidade de São PauloUSP) is a public university in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. It is the largest Brazilian university and the country's most prestigious educational institution. According to reports by the Ministry of Science and Technology, more than 25% of the articles published by Brazilian researchers in high quality conferences and journals are produced at the University of São Paulo.

On July 10, 2013, Missionary Nathan wrote Msn. Philip a letter which I quote below:

"Hi Msn Phlilip

How are you doing?

In Brasil, we are going to have every friday night a littlle worship service, with worship song and message. Msn Elias has appointed me and Msn Omar to be the messengers in turn. 
So, it is a blessing for me because It is an opportunity to be trained to deliver messages and to meditate deeply the Word of God. I pray that I may grow through this training.
Some Missionaries from our Brasil are going to the ISBC. From Sao Paulo USP, Msn Elias and his 3 boys, and Msn Josue and his daughter.
I wanted to use the opportunity also to buy some stuff (informatic, and clothes for Victoria) other there, because the price is sometimes 2 times or 3 times cheaper than here.
I was hoping that maybe you can buy them via internet and give it to someone from Brasil at the conference and he will also give the money. I already talked to Msn Josue and he is okay with it.
Please tell me if it possible or not?

Thank you very much."

Today Shepherdess Lani prayed for Bible Brazil and World Campus Mission. Please remember the coworkers in Brazil especially Msn. Elias, Omar, and Nathan and pray for them. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Where does your soul go when you die? (12th Way Christians Think Differently on Life after Life)

Mr. Confucius, one of the wisest men of ancient China, once had his disciple asking him in effect, "Teacher, what happens when man dies?" Confucius said, "Son, when I have not yet figured out man's life on this side of the grave, how can you expect me to know life after death?" He then said (we are told), "If I could know the way in the morning, I will gladly die in the afternoon." From what he said, we say that at least Mr. Confucius was honest. He was humble enough that he became wise enough to know what he does not know.

But not all scholars or teachers are as wise as Confucius.  A Jewish teacher Simons Jacobson goes at length on the topic, "Where does soul go upon death?" The length of the video is 1:44:43! When you see someone giving a long answer to a simple question, you can be pretty much sure that he does not know the subject. Click here for the video.

Where then does your soul go when you die? The Apostle Paul answers the question that is when you are out of your body, you are now "at  home with Jesus."

On what basis does the Apostle say this? Hebrews 10:20 answers the question, for it reads, [the believing] you (a Christ's person, or a person belonging to Christ), enter the Presence of God (also known as the Most Holy Place), by a new and living way opened for you through the curtain, that is, Jesus' body, since you have Jesus, the great high priest over the house of God.

Yes, the physical (or biological, if you will) death is often dubbed as going through the 'life' beyond the 'curtain'. But remember: for those who do not believe (i.e., non-Christians) the curtain still exists, so they cannot go there. They go to the place where their worms (or germs) never die and the fire is never quenched.

But to Christians even the question itself (Where does your soul go when you die?) itself becomes a misnomer because if you are a believer death' no longer holds its sway on you. You have already crossed the river, so that the 'eternal' life has already begun here and now, just as it is written:

"Since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water." Heb 10:21-22

"We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life." 1Jo 5:20

"On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you." John 14:20

[A technical note: Technically it is impossible for you to cross the same bridge which you have already crossed. Once you have crossed, you have crossed. And that is it. :-)]

Monday, July 1, 2013

By this gospel you are saved.

Before suffering while he was seated on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple Jesus said to his disciples, "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." Matthew 24:14

In 1 Corinthians 15:2 the Apostle Paul says, "By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain." 

Then in Galatians 1:6-9, the Apostle expresses his concern that some quickly turned away to a "different" gospel which is really no gospel at all.

Not all gospels are really gospel. What then is the real gospel that saves? 

The previous Sunday Shepherd James Hopeman served a message on Isaiah, wherein he succinctly set forth the true gospel. 

Before and after the message there were three music programs themed after the gospel message.