Wednesday, May 22, 2013

22 ways Christians think differently - No. 2

Christians believe in having it all and nothing but all. They do not settle for anything less than that like a lot or plenty.

In one of the articles a Rabbi asks readers to compare what Jacob said to his twin brother Esau ("I have all I need") with what Esau in return responded back saying, "I have plenty".

Jacob is a believer, Esau unbeliever.
Difference between all and plenty is enormous.

In the Scriptures Jesus said to unbelievers what the all really means. "All means all." Listen: "I have authority to lay down my life and authority to take it up again." How much authority is this? All. 

Think about it.  "If you die, that is it", you say.  But to a believer that is not "it". (Col 3:3)

P.S. During the winter the pond in my backyard looked so bleak that I said to my wife, "We'd better get rid of the pond. I can siphon out the water and turn this miserable pit into a children's playpan." My wife said, "Not many have a pond like this. Add water a little more and keep it." I accepted her advice. And now the pond came back to life! So be a little more patient with you, yes "you".

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