Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 African conference (Prayer topics announced by Pastor Abraham Kim)

- pray for each nation
- devotion to the word of God
- worship with love and joy of God
- 55 African nations
- Tanzania ( Beautiful Co-working with Missionary Ezra Chung family; English worship service; Wig factory; Missionary Hanna's good health)
- religious freedom in Sudan, Central Asia (Kazakstan and Uzbekistan), Middle East (for the first time UBF could hold a directors' conference in Saudi Arabia), China, North Korea
- Peter Park of Nigeria (his self-supporting business), James Lee of Zimbabwe and his health
- Bethesda Mission Hospital in Uganda (close to completion: On Feb. 9, 2013, there is an opening ceremony. We want to practice the love of Jesus through the clinic to do healing ministry. If any of the African missionaries are sick, they can first visit BMC to save cost. Rooms are many but they are empty, we need to fill the rooms with medical equipment through the UBF worldwide Christmas offering, such as X-ray machine, etc.)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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