What about man - the most sofisticated machine ever made? For example, what happens if he is unable to communicate with his creator seamlessly? What is the solution to such problem as communication problem? What if the software that runs his life remains out of sync, outdated or is subject to viruses? What is or are the ways to get the living entity called life reformated and be restored to the factory setting?
John answers the question. In John 1:29-34, John the Baptist pointed to Jesus saying, "Look the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world."
John shows here the first key to getting fit inside out, that is, getting what makes man to be unfit out of the way. Sin blocks the relationship between God and men. It was sin that rendered Adam to be unfit in the Garden of delight. Due to sin he was rendered unfit with God and the Garden.
Jesus came to get this blockage out of the way, so Adam can be fit into the bosom of God and the domain of the Garden.
Note that the word 'takes' - the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. It is in the present tense. So at a real time called now, we need to come to the Lord, Jesus the Son of God, accept the grace of him taking away the sin of the world (i.e., you and me), so we would be fit into the family of God, the family born of His Spirit.
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Location:De Palma St,Downey,United States
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