Saturday, January 5, 2013

Second day of Conference in Tanzania (main lecture)

Dr. Abraham T. Kim served a main lecture.

Key verse Ephesians 3:7

Problem of Christians is the lack of knowledge of God and of Christ. Worldly wealth is nothing compared with the spiritual wealth we have in Christ.

Paul prays that members of Jesus' church would grow to the fullness of God.

Paul is the prisoner of Christ Jesus. His heart was bound by the love of Christ. So he was free from all the bondages. The mystery is that Gentiles be members of one body per the promise in Jesus. "Together" is repeated three times. There were walls of hostility among people. Jesus welcomed all sinners into the family of God. Paul suffered a lot. Finally he suffered martyrdom. He preached the gospel. As God's servants we should know the boundless riches of Christ, so God's flock under our care would have the full riches of Christ (peace, unity, hope of resurrection, riches of God's love...).

Paul worked in God's power (God's love and power, peace and joy, miracles of performing miracles.) The Holy Spirit worked in him, that he would have the heart, mind, and will of Christ, filled with Jesus' zeal, vision and Spirit.) We became His servant through the working of His power. We need more of his power.

As we submit ourselves to Christ, God works powerfully. We do not see angels but they see us. When we preach demons scream. Angels shout. God is displaying his wisdom in wondrous colors and harmony.

As new creation we support each other. The church is the shadow of eternal kingdom to come. God is present among us. We must believe in the Triune God who is working in us. Work of God is to believe in the one he has sent. The church is central to God's history. Church stood victoriously while worldly kingdoms rise and fall. The church is the light of the world. She is mysterious and glorious. All churches together may shine in the beauty of Christ. In the church each member has his or her unique role assigned by God. We are called to be disciple makers. We are like marines. We go to campuses, invite students, nourish them and send them to other churches. World mission is God's heart beat. Think about God's sorrow. Think how God is comforted when one soul is saved. Our one to one Bible study is a precious tool to save souls. Students study and may leave us, but angels in heaven will cheer us up. Our Lord values one soul as more valuable than the whole universe.

Paul prayed for:

1) the strengthening of the inner being (14-16);
2) the Christ dwelling in one's heart (17); and
3) the knowledge of His love that surpasses knowledge (18-19).

We need to grasp and know his love. [Grasp - to catch; know - personalize]

In order to know the Christ, something within me must die, like self-love.

Paul's prayer talks about love as the mark of Christian.

Where are you in the measure of the fullness of God? How can we reach the full measure? On our own it is impossible, but in Jesus it is possible. 3:20

One word: mystery of Christ

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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