On June 26, 2000, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium announced the production of a rough draft of the human genome sequence. In April, 2003, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium announced an essentially finished version of the human genome sequence.

Having the essentially complete sequence of the human genome is similar to having all the pages of a manual needed to make the human body. For more information click here.
But man cannot build spirit, for sprit comes from God.
Man consists of three components: spirit, soul, and body.
Soul is the product of God breathing into man's nostrils his breath, so the flesh that is out of dust becomes a living soul.
Speaking of this truth Jesus said, "Spirit gives life to man; flesh counts for nothing." (John 6:63; cf. Gen 2:7)
Therefore what determines you to be healthy or sick in the true sense of the word is first your spirit!
How then does God address the need for a healthy life? Or does God even have a plan for your "health-care"?
Yes he does!
What is His health care plan? Is it better than Obama Care?
The answer is yes!
His health care plan is couched on your relationship with one Person named Jesus Christ. God loved you so much that he gave His one and only Son Jesus Christ, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
For as promised from the day one of Adam's fall (where the problem of all sorts of sickness began via the genetic inheritance and all other factors associated with it) about 2000 years ago, He sent Jesus who died on a tree for our sins paying the penalty for your sins and my sins, and rose again for our justification (meaning having forgiven of our sins, He is ready to include us in God's household as God's family members, so we are under his health care program for free, yes for free, for Jesus already paid for our membership).
Practically then how does this work?
For him who acknowledges sin-sick condition, and believes in the Son, and turn to God through Jesus, He forgives him of his sins, and gives him the gift of God, that is, the Holy Spirit, who in turn makes him to be a new creation.
In what respect is he a 'new' creation?
He is a new creation in that He changes his Spiritual DNA so to speak, to be as healthy as that of our Lord Jesus, just as it is written:
"To all who received Him (Jesus Christ), to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become the children of God, children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God." John 1:12-13
"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come." 2Co 5:17
"[Brothers and sisters, I urge you to] put on the new self, created to be like God in perfect righteousness and holiness." Ephesians 4:24
"[You] have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator." Colossians 3:10
So your Spiritual DNA is the same as that of our Lord Jesus, for just as our Lord Jesus was conceived in the womb of Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit, so also you, a believer, is born of the Spirit; you are what you are (a new creation) by the act of God!
Application: what this means is that you a new believer in the Lord do not need to be enslaved any more by the power of sin and death. For this reason the Apostle John says that we are not to love anything in this world, for if we do, we are effectively walking out of the love God has for his children.
Does this mean you lose all the fun things of this world? The answer to this question is that the exact opposite is true. All the world has to offer is at best fleeting, and deceiving in terms of giving man true satisfaction. As one is born from above (or 'of God'), His eyes and thoughts are fixed on Jesus Christ who through His Spirit residing in us provides us with true satisfaction (meeting deepest needs for our soul and body), with the result that all that appealed as satiable in the past are worse than rubbish, just as Fanny J. Crosby sings in her song, "Heaven came down and glory filled my soul."
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